Just a bit of advice, since you’re new to the forums.

Use descriptive post titles
Instead of “Help please” or “Help PLEASE”, try “Trouble with jumping on character controller” and “Help finding a gun script.” You’ll get more people willing to click the link to your post if they know what they’re getting into ahead of time.

Be specific… And share your code
In my experience, people are more successful with receiving help here when they ask for help with specific issues. Instead of asking for vague help with making a gun script because the ones you found “don’t work,” show what you currently have. Indicate what isn’t working. Post the entire script, the exact error messages you’re getting, and if relevant, screenshots of things that aren’t functioning as expected. Remember that nearly everyone posting here is volunteering their time to help you, so try to respect that time by spending yours up front to give a clear idea of what your issue is.

Use Code Tags
It’s tucked under another subforum, but there’s a great post describing how to use script tags to format your code here. It makes it much more readable and easier for people to figure out where you’ve got issues.

Keep trying, and keep posting. Just don’t forget to help us help you!