Help! Prefabs disabled on Instantiation

Help. In the code below, I have a gameobject which simply holds a series of buttons. When I switch nodes (calling SetNode()) I want to clear out that gameobject and create a series of new buttons. However, when I do this, the buttons are instantiated, but all scripts on it are disabled. If I manually reenable them, they appear normally and in their expected location, but the OnClick Listener for the button is revealed to be improperly set. I have verified that the prefab definition does not have these scripts disabled.

However, this behavior does not occur when I comment out the Destroy(child.gameObject) line (Line 11) - the buttons are created normally and their OnClick handlers work properly.

So my question is - Why does destroying the existing game objects (button prefabs) affect the subsequently instanced versions? Is there a better way to destroy all prefab children?

Thanks for your help!

public void SetNode(Node node)
    currentNode = node;
    nodeName.text = "[" + node.nodeLevel + "] " + node.NodeName;

    // Create Travel Buttons to Other Nodes

    // Remove all existing buttons
    foreach (Transform child in travelPanel.transform)
        Destroy(child.gameObject); /* This is the line that apparently causes the problem */

    // Create new buttons
    foreach (Node destination in node.neighbors.Keys)
        Debug.Log("Creating Travel Button");
        GameObject travelButton = Instantiate(travelButtonPrefab, travelPanel.transform);

        travelButton.GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => FindObjectOfType<Character>().Move(destination));
        travelButton.GetComponentInChildren<TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>().text = destination.NodeName + " [" + node.neighbors[destination] + "]";

I’m not 100% sure on how what you’re doing is not quite right, but I always use this construct when destroying all children:

while (travelPanel.transform.childCount > 0)
  var tr = travelPanel.transform.GetChild(0);
  tr.SetParent( null);
  Destroy( tr.gameObject);

Now everything is marked to be destroyed (which doesn’t happen until end of frame), and the transform array is empty.

Now… go onto instantiate your new buttons and parent them up to that.

So - I solved this -
The problem was that I needed to NAME the new instance (literally, = “X”:wink: and then it works as expected.

Thank you for response however!