Help-Progress bar for scene load

Hi: I am new to unity; and to Javascript…for my first project I am modifying the Island demo. I am planning to stream it via the Unity web player to people who visit my website. I have created a level0 that is 400K; the level 1 is 2 MB.

When level0 is playing, I would like to display a progress bar that reflects the load status of level1…with text that says, “Your Boat is On the Way”. Can anyone help me with a script to do this

(I have tried to figure it out using EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar but I can’t get it to work). Help would be appreciated.

Here is my GUI script that I am currently using in Level0:

var customLabel : GUIStyle;
var customSmLabel : GUIStyle;
var customColorSmLabel : GUIStyle;
private var level1 : float;

function OnGUI () {

//print unchanging GUI text

GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width - 150,Screen.height * 0.9,300,60), “”);

GUI.Label (Rect (10,10,300,60), “Welcome To”, customSmLabel);

GUI.Label (Rect (10,40,300,60), “Heron Island”, customLabel);

//print GUI text that changes with Time.time

if(Time.time>2 Time.time<14)
GUI.Label (Rect (10,80,300,60), “Please wait for the boat”,customSmLabel);

if(Time.time>4 Time.time<14)
GUI.Label (Rect (10,100,300,60), “It will arrive shortly”,customSmLabel);

if(Time.time>6 Time.time<14)
GUI.Label (Rect (10,130,300,60), “When you enter the Island”,customSmLabel);

if(Time.time>8 Time.time<14)
GUI.Label (Rect (10,160,300,60), “Enjoy the Serenity”,customSmLabel);

if(Time.time>10 Time.time<14)
GUI.Label (Rect (10,180,300,60), “Stroll along the beach”,customSmLabel);

if(Time.time>12 Time.time<14)
GUI.Label (Rect (10,200,300,60), “Relax at the river”,customSmLabel);

//wipe screen, print next set of GUI text

if(Time.time>14 Time.time<20)
GUI.Label (Rect (10,80,300,60), “Play with the Herons”,customSmLabel);

if(Time.time>16 Time.time<20)
GUI.Label (Rect (10,100,300,60), “Hike in the Mountains”,customSmLabel);

if(Time.time>18 Time.time<20)
GUI.Label (Rect (10,120,300,60), “Leave the City Behind”,customSmLabel);

//wipe screen, print next set of GUI text

GUI.Label (Rect (10,90,350,60), “to VIEW FULL SCREEN”,customColorSmLabel);

GUI.Label (Rect (50,120,350,60), “right or Ctrl-click”,customColorSmLabel);

//check progress of Level1 streaming

level1 = Application.GetStreamProgressForLevel(“Islands3”);

//when load of level1 is complete, display enter button

if (level1 == 1 Time.time>24){

GUI.Label (Rect (10,160,350,60), "Your Boat has arrived. ",customSmLabel);
if (GUI.Button (Rect (80,200,100,20), “Start Vacation”)) {
Application.LoadLevel (“Islands3”);



As the name suggests, that’s only for using in the editor. There’s some progress bar code in the project here.


Hi Eric: That was a phenomenal job you did on that game. Really inspiring. I found progress bar script in the game manager and tomorrow I’ll see if I can adapt it to my project.

I have a web site, where 800 people a day come to read information about stress. When I saw the Island demo I thought, “Wow, that is really a relaxing environment.” That’s when I got the idea to learn Unity and make a “vacation” retreat for my website visitors.

I really appreciate the helpfulness of all the Unity Community. Thanks, Steve