Hello All,
A novice here trying to put the MCS Female Lite character in a seated pose. I go into the rigging and the “muscles and settings” tab and can get her positioned in a seated position like I want, but that is apparently just a “preview”. How can I have here stay in that position? I’m guessing that the animator may be part of the answer, but I haven’t studied up on it enough yet. For my application, she doesn’t really need to do anything except sit there in a chair. Any help is MUCH appreciated!
You need an animation or a 1 key pose to put her in the sitting position.
Maybe check out the animation area in the learn section. It will save you time and frustration getting information about mecanim before fumbling around with the settings.
Thanks, I’ve been looking at some of the tutorials but so far they bring in animations that already exist from another model. Haven’t seen one where they actually change the position of the model or create animations manually. I found some animation that I imported that works, except she is only half way sitting down. If I could only figure out how to edit that and bend her legs a little more. LOL
This is what I’ve found in the manual. Doesn’t sound like it’s possible to change the pose of the character with the Unity animator…or is it?
Animation Created and Edited Within Unity
Unity’s Animation Window also allows you to create and edit animation clips. These clips can animate:
- The position, rotation and scale of GameObjects
- Component properties such as material colour, the intensity of a light, the volume of a sound
- Properties within your own scripts including float, int, Vector and boolean variables
- The timing of calling functions within your own scripts
Unity’s Animation Window is not something I would consider suited for character animation. It would be better to do your character animation work in a more fully featured environment like 3DS Max, Maya or Blender. In regards to Humanoid Rigs, you can’t do bone manipulation directly through the Animation Window, if I remember correctly, so everything would have to be done with Muscle Clip settings…which aren’t the easiest to navigate without a custom tool.
If you only need a looping animation of a character in a seated position, I would recommend checking out Mixamo.com as they have a huge offering of animations you can download and easily import into Unity.
Thanks for the Mixamo tip! Cool stuff!