HELP - Save and Load Level data in a list

Hello everybody,

I have been struggling with this issue for several days now so I am coming for help. Forgive me if my question might be simple but I am new with coding.

What I want to do is pretty simple. I would like to save all my levels data in a list. For now, I have 2 levels and each level has 3 variables: a string, an int and a bool. Each level is a different scene.

I also would like my game to be able to easily access the information (meaning the 3 variables).

Here is my code

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 
using System.IO;

public class CurrentLevelInfo : MonoBehaviour
	public List <Level> savedLevels = new List<Level>();

	public static CurrentLevelInfo levelManager;

	// test
	string levelName;

	void Awake ()
		LoadLevels ();

		// We load the name of the level
		levelName = Application.loadedLevelName;

		// And we ask the information about the specific level and we get his
		case "Level1":
			Level.current = savedLevels[0];
		case "Level2":
			Level.current = savedLevels[1];
	// Subscribe to event
	void OnEnable ()
		NpcScript.HasFoundConstellation += NewConstellationFound;


	// Unsubscribe to event
	void OnDisable ()
		NpcScript.HasFoundConstellation -= NewConstellationFound;

	void NewConstellationFound ()
		Level.current.hasDiscoveredConstellation = true;
		SaveLevels ();

	public void SaveLevels()
	BinaryFormatter bf2 = new BinaryFormatter();
		FileStream file = File.Create(Application.dataPath + "/savedLevels.dat");

		bf2.Serialize(file, savedLevels);

	public void LoadLevels ()
		if(File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/savedLevels.dat"))
			BinaryFormatter bf2 = new BinaryFormatter();
			FileStream file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + "/savedLevels.dat", FileMode.Open);
			savedLevels = (List<Level>)bf2.Deserialize(file);

public class Level
	public static Level current;

	public int neededConstellationsStars;
	public string constellationName;
	public bool hasDiscoveredConstellation;

If you guys could help me. I can read the list info per level but saving and loading don’t seem to work.

You need to change the paths of the Save and Load functions to be the same - at this point, one is saving in your game folder, while the other is loading from the persistentData path, which is completely different. You’re saving in one location, but trying to read the save from a completely different location in which it, of course, doesn’t exist.

Also, use the using keyword when declaring file streams, so all the garbage is disposed of correctly.