Hi, I’m trying to convert my project from AssetBundles and Resources folder to Addressables. When I open the Addressables Gtoups window, it says it will automatically convert everything into Addressables and then remove all AssetBundle definitions and move the things in Resources out to a different folder, but it does not do that. It creates new Addressables groups, but leaves all the files where they were and does not remove any AssetBundles, which means it will keep asking to convert everything (creating duplicates) every time I open the window. Bug? Feature? I’m guessing this feature was just never finished and I have to do it all manually?
Second question: Is there a way to convert a folder full of things automatically to an Addressables Group that also uses the folder name as the root path, similar to how AssetBundles work? For example if I have files:
I would like it to make an AssetGroup called “CatPhotos” with the Addresses “CatPhotos/Cat1”, “CatPhotos/Cat2” etc. I don’t want the address to be the full file path as it normally does, and I don’t want it to just be “Cat1” like when I click Simplify Names. It needs to have both the folder name and the asset name. Do I have to manually change all of them in the editor?
I’m not sure about your first question, it’s been a while since I converted from old assetbundles, but I would say that is a bug.
As for your second question, you can mark the folder itself as addressable, then make its address CatPhotos. Its children will have the folder’s address prepended to their asset name as their address.
Thank you! This was the thing I was missing; you can drag the folders in then do “Simplify Name” on the folder and it all works out correctly for the child files.
One last question; when dragging a folder in like that, all the children’s addresses include the file extension (“CatPhotos/Cat1.jpg” instead of just “CatPhotos/Cat1”) which is different than dragging them individually and different than how it works with both Resources and AssetBundles, where the file extension is always stripped. Is this intentional or is this a bug? I’d hate to have to scour through all the code adding file extensions everywhere just to have them removed again in a future update of Addressables.
That way you get full control over the addresses generated, as you can use a RegEx and capture groups to your heart’s content.
Basically, we do not have any individually addressables assets in the project be made addressable by adding them to an Addressable folder, instead we have set up rules for them to be added to the appropriate group with the appropriate address and the appropriate labels as necessary, and this has scaled to many thousands of addressable assets.
Thanks, this looks interesting. A quick glance at the docs shows they even use cat photos as an example like I did, so it’s clearly a sign that we’re thinking on the same wavelength.