Help to Create Hybred Render System for TOP-DOWN Game Stype

Hello Everyone,
im looking for advices to help me create a Hybred Render System for TOP DOWN game style with Frustum Culling.

This is how the idea look like in my head.


  • All Rendered Entities are Static.
  • This system have to be really Lightweight cause we are targeting Low end Mobile devices.

my Questions:

  1. what is the Most efficient way to cull/Disable all entities that are out of range by Chunk if possible?
  • the first idea i had is set SCD to each entity in conversion flow and define it’s region in a way to get them all separated in different chunks, so later we can easly cull them by chunks using regions values.
  1. how does the Frutum Culling works and is there already something ready to use ?

  2. what is the most efficient way to Collect (Mesh + Material) of all Entities validated as visible by the Frutum Culling ?

  3. how the hybred renderer is gaining performance by static entities ?

  4. do you think this can be efficient enough to run flawlessly in low end devices ?

The computational discrepancies between low-end and high-end devices on the CPUs is much less than the discrepencies on the GPUs. RenderMeshSystemV2 does exactly what you describe (except for the fact that is uses ChunkComponents rather than SharedComponents) with the optimization of only updating the culling of individual objects that are close to the camera’s frustum.

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my project is Using URP and the current Hybred Renderer is not compatible with it.
so is their a way to change the Current RenderMeshSystemV2 to use Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect instead ?

Does your low-end mobile platform even support DrawMeshInstancedIndirect?

You might want to look at Project Tiny’s new samples which use a different renderer.

That’s a lot of informations in one answer XD

i didnt know that DrawMeshInstancedIndirect is unsupported by some devices, i though it’s a just a way of rendering in batches.
how can i know if a device supports the DrawMeshInstancedIndirect ?
for the moment we are preventing all devices under the Android 6.

ill take a look at it thanks!!!

It used to be not supported for devices which didn’t support compute shaders (OpenGL ES 2.0 devices). But they changed up some stuff with SRP (something weird was going on with light indices) and now I am not so sure that that is true of if they have it emulated. I would write a simple test that uses DrawMeshInstancedIndirect on your low-end hardware and see if it works.

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im sorry but i didnt get what you mean by this ?
i just took a look at Tiny’s new samples and they are using the Regular Hybred Renderer.

I haven’t figured out why the Hybrid Renderer is in that project, but there’s the code for Tiny.Rendering which is a different renderer. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to play with it much to say more about how the two conversion systems play together and not interfere with each other.

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