How can I create a dragon riding system like Hiccup from the movie How to Train Your Dragon, including making a pedal that spreads the dragon’s wings? Can you provide me with a script or a method?
Your question is extremely broad. You are essentially asking “I want to make a game like [this]. How do I make it?”. If you want someone to explain to you how to make a integral part of your game, then I think you are missing the point of these forums a little. You should try to build the game by yourself and if you can’t figure out how to do some specific thing then ask for help for that thing.
You also did not provide a lot of information about what exactly you want. Are you asking how you can detect input from the player? Are you asking how you can animate the petal or the wings? Are you asking how make it so the player “sits” on the dragon and moves with it? You need to be clearer about what you want to know.
I am asking about how to make the player ride the dragon, how to make the player mount it, and how to make the dragon fly. I’m sorry for not phrasing my question well. I was imagining the dragon flying in the sky in a stunning way, affected by the wind, performing acrobatic moves like Toothless with Hiccup. I couldn’t find any other place to ask this.
Ok, so you really are asking “how do I make the whole game?”. With this we can’t help you. It sounds like you are really new to game development and want to immediately make a really impressive and complex game. This is not how it works. If you don’t have experience yet you can’t start with a huge game right away. And you can’t come on the forum and ask people how to make the whole game.
I know this might be frustrating, but you have to start with smaller simpler games first and get some experience, so that you will be able to answer the questions you asked yourself. Why not start with a small 2D game where you play as Toothless and just walk around eating food or something like this. It’s not glamorous but it will allow you to learn so you can eventually make the game you talked about.
Good luck