because of the Performance Problems with OnGUI on the iPhone i try to display my Messages with GuiText. The Code is in C# and i found no example how to call GuiText from a C# that way or it doesn’t work. So here is what i want to translate or display with GuiText. I would be very happy if someone could give a simple example so that i can figure it out by myself…
many many thxxx
void OnGUI() {
if (guiskin != null) GUI.skin = guiskin;
if (!started) {
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width -128 - 16, 16, 128, 128), "Round " + (round + 1), GUI.skin.window);
float t = Time.time;
GUILayout.Label("Total time: " + FmtTime(t - startTime));
GUILayout.Label("Round time: " + FmtTime(t - passTime));
if (roundTime > 0f) {
GUILayout.Label("Last round: " + FmtTime(roundTime));
if (bestTime > 0f) {
GUILayout.Label("Best round: " + FmtTime(bestTime));