Help Understanding UI Element Converters in the Builder?

I’m a little lost on trying to implement a simple “converter”- basically I have a normalized value from 0 to 1 but I need it expressed as a number from 0 to 100, and rather than create a whole new property that’s just the original value multiplied by 100, I wanted to figure out how these converters work.

Right now this is all I got, but I’m not sure how to take this and get it into something I can simply use in the UI Builder.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

public class UIConverters
    public static void InitConverters(){
        ConverterGroups.RegisterGlobalConverter((ref float input) => Times100Test(input));

        float Times100Test(float input){
            return input * 100;

This is where I’d thought I’d be able to access it:

Any help greatly appreciated, thank you!

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Your code is on the right track. Here’s how to properly implement and use this converter

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

public class UIConverters
    public static void InitConverters()
        // Register the converter with a unique name
            "normalizedToPercentage", // converter name
            (float input) => input * 100f  // conversion function

Then in UI Builder or your UXML, you can use it like this:

  1. Bind your normalized value
  2. Add the converter to the binding using ~=

Example usage in UXML:

<Label binding-text="normalizedValue~normalizedToPercentage" />

Or if you’re creating the binding in code:

label.bindingText = new BindingText("normalizedValue")
    converter = "normalizedToPercentage"

This will automatically convert your 0-1 value to 0-100 whenever it’s displayed. The converter will be applied globally, so you can reuse it anywhere in your UI.


Awesome thank you! Trying it out now.
Ran into an issue though where BindingExtensions.RegisterValueConverter doesn’t seem to be in my project? Am I missing a package maybe?

Hi @thisisTeo,

The issue you are having is because the converters need to match the input and output types explicitly. In your case, your data is a float and you are trying to bind against a StyleLength. There are already converters in place for this normally, but if you want to setup a different override, you will need to return a StyleLength too:

StyleLength Times100Test(float input){ ... }

The other issue you might encounter is that you are currently defining a global converter, which means it will be applied any time a float tries to bind against a StyleLength, which is probably not what you want. You most likely want to use a scoped converter, such as this:

// Create a converter group
var group = new ConverterGroup("NormalizedValue");

// Add converters to the converter group
group.AddConverter((ref float input) => Times100Test(input));

// Register the converter group

Using this, in the UI Builder, when entering a converter ID for To target property, you should see the NormalizedValue group.

Hope this helps!


Worked like a charm! I see now how this system works more and how to organize things better. I didn’t even think about how the value needed to be a StyleLength. Thanks!

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