Help Unity eliminate persistent bugs!

There are a number of bugs in our database which are… interesting. They have been independently reported often enough to establish that they really do exist and yet all our efforts to reproduce them have failed.

We cannot let the bugs get the upper pincer on us so we will be using this thread to report known bugs that are thus far unreproducible. Each post will contain a link to another thread where the bug in question is discussed in greater details. Anyone who is experiencing the bug is free to add to the discussion thread with their computer specs and any other details that might help nail down the situations where they occur. Even bugs that occur sporadically might be tracked down if we get enough information from different users.

Please help us if you can, Unitoids - don’t let the bugs bite.

When in fullscreen in a webplayer, all the gui buttons have an y offset of mouse input compared to the actual drawing.
So when placing the mouse cursor above e.g. a button, the click and hover is recognized only when the cursor is inside a rectangle that is lower than where the button is actually drawn on the screen. This only happens on certain computers and only in fullscreen in the webplayer.

If you’re experiencing this problem with your computer,
PLEASE REPLY IN THIS THREAD with detailed information about computer specs and what mouse you are using:

Operating System:
DirectX version:
GPU driver:
Native screen resolution:
Fullscreen resolution (if different):
Browser and version:
Mouse manufacturer and driver version:
