Help w/ items in my Game

Hello everyone,

My first post was about two months ago in regards to creating a game in the style of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. Since that post, I’ve been able to develop a few things with my game and it’s not working ( I haven’t tested it yet.) However, I have different codes that I have created thus far & was wondering if anyone is free, could they review them and see if they are correct and if they are not, what the problem is. I’m still a beginner with C# so everything in my code is taken from a bit of my learning and some of the answers in the forum.

The second item is with the rest of this list I have. I apologize if the list is rather long; I have to make my GUI functional, create a moving character from a drawing, create pop-ups that open once you click the button but it doesn’t change the scene or background, how to create a 2D interface (I’ve been using images for the backgrounds at the moment), a functional loading screen ( I’ve already taken steps to create most of it, however, I still do not know how to get my code to work), creating a quiz that will pop up in the classroom only when you click the question mark button (the quiz will count towards the player’s grades in order to level up), creating a function job area where the user can work for 1, 3, or 8 hours to earn money for clothes, 2D character/ clothing creation, the “Add a friend” option or adding a contact, log-in via facebook, & lastly, creation of in-app purchases.

A lot of these, I’ve tried to look up myself but I wasn’t understanding what the videos or threads meant. Therefore, If you can explain in full details what you mean, i’d appreciate it so much! Thanks for your help.

  • Brianna

6094941–662376–AddScene.cs (919 Bytes)
6094941–662379–ContactsRing.cs (317 Bytes)
6094941–662382–GameMenu.cs (1.27 KB)

These are the rest that I’ve been fighting with. - Brianna

6094956–662391–OnClick.cs (294 Bytes)
6094956–662394–PopUps.cs (1.12 KB)
6094956–662397–Restart.cs (792 Bytes)
6094956–662400–Sound.cs (314 Bytes)

Sorry, forgot one. I made sure to include what each one is about too but if it is unclear, let me know!

6094959–662403–Main Menu.cs (4.59 KB)

You have quite a lot going on here.
I’d suggest you tackle every problem one by one.
Most of the stuff you asked about are quite easy to implement, but you need to start somewhere.
I’d suggest you start with the UI stuff, so you can understand how to execute all of the stuff you want.
(Like the question mark button for a quiz, working for x time, changing clothes etc)
After you have all of the UI ready, just connect the dots, and create the actual scripts for each mechanic.


Hi! sorry i’m so late. So I have a question; I’ve started on my UI already. I’ve designed it already and its really just about getting it to run or creating the code for it. I think I’ve already connected the scenes that are supposed to open for each button for the UI and for the other parts of the game as well. I’m still a beginner so I’ve been watching a lot of videos but the videos don’t really help as I am a hands on, visual learner, so if you could be very very specific with your answer for this question, it would be appreciated! My question right now is about the code for the UI; I started working on one which is the Main Menu.cs above, I’m not sure on how to get it to work but also I’m not sure if i’m even on the right track. I only know C, C++, and a little bit of Java so trying to work with C Sharp in a very small time window has been extremely difficult. Thank you so much for replying to me and I’m sorry this is so long of a paragraph. I tried to make this shorter >_<

Seems like your’e on the right track.
I saw you had the script ready, so all you need to do is create the UI button itself.
There’s an OnClick event on the button component which lets you bind your written functions to it.
This pretty much deals with how to navigate through the menu.

The main menu should be the first thing the player see when he boots on the game, handle it however you want.
Inside the game itself, tho I don’t know how you want it to be, I assume there’s a settings button or a hotkey which open the pause menu.
You can easily add this like all the other buttons for the main menu.
From this point it’s just a matter of connecting the dots, making everything look nice, and then adding the mini games or quizes that you want to add.