I’m getting pretty confused here. I have set up two bone ik for my arm. When my hand target gets too far for the arm to reach, i’d like this to pull the shoulder forward, which will rotate and pull the spine.
My problem is when I move the hand ik target out of arms length range, it stops. What would the next step be?
You basically want a full body IK for biped.
Like that?
Not sure that’s possible with the default Animation Rigging package constraints, maybe using the Chain IK Constraint? But I doubt it… You probably want to build your own Animation Rigging node or maybe look at Final IK on the asset store.
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Ahh yes perfect, this is the exact look I’m after, thanks!
I was hoping this was available in the rigging package but sadly it seems not.
Final IK looks really good though, I’ll consider getting it.
This is a very specialized use case, the rigging package is meant to be modulable. It can be used to restraint anything, objects, humanoids, quadrupeds etc… Anything else can be written by extending the basic nodes in the animation package.
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