Where is Skinning Editor?
I already downloaded 2D animation and 2D IK package. But I can’t find Skinning Editor in my Sprite Editor.
Where is Skinning Editor?
I already downloaded 2D animation and 2D IK package. But I can’t find Skinning Editor in my Sprite Editor.
Hi @ComeonJ!
Which version of Unity editor are you using?
2D IK package has been moved to the 2D Animation package.
You can access the latest 2D Animation package version from the Package Manager.
After installing the package, it should become avaialble from the Sprirte Editor dropdown.
I’m using 2020.3.33f1 right now. It’s about the version, right?
Now I’m trying to download version 2022.3.46f1, is this version 2022.3.46f1 available to use the Skinning Editor?
Can you check what’s the version of your 2D Animation package? For Unity 2022.3.33f1 you should be using 5.2.1 or higher (5.2.7).
With this version, the 2D IK package is integrated into the 2D Animation package automatically.
If you still cannot find it, can you please share with me the content of your Packages folder? And the content of the manifest.json?