Help with a basic 3D object viewing app

Hello, hope I am posting in the right forum,

I just got into Unity, and I want to learn in a quick and dirty way how to make a basic app that allows for someone with mouse gestures (or keyboard keys) to rotate, zoom in and out and to open / close a 3D bottle in 3D space. I basically need an app or something similar that will load the 3D bottle in a window and then you can rotate it / and open / close it’s top - with assigned keys or with mouse clicks (something like in the 3D objects sharing websites were you can visualize 3D objects through a plugin.

Is it possible?

I come from Cinema4D where I am doing the 3D objects,

Can you point me in the right direction to make this hopeful easy app? Thank you so much!

I would look into the fbx importer code that’s available “out there”. It will allow you to make a standalone app where you can import a mesh coming from the CAD application. ( GitHub - mpreble/UnityFBXImporter )

Unity doesn’t support loading of FBX in outside of the editor so that’s why you will need that script.

Use the source in the link to load the mesh and then rotate the loaded object my manipulating the transform in something like this : (psudocode )

Update() {
    if( keydown)
       transform.rotation.RotateAroundYaxis( 90 degree * Time.deltatTime );

These two things can be split into diffirent tasks and you should start on focusing on rotating a box and hten later adding the code to load the mesh.