Help with a function


I’m a new user of unity , i was watching somes videos about unity and i like it , so i wanted to try.
I’m not new at all about scripting im starting to learn java .
well my problem is this

Im making a fan made of “slenderman” im just to practice scripting and some easy stuff but i needed a script of slenderman games vercion and that one is the static screen.
so i was looking in forums and and other sites and i found a script that works hm 80% or so i was trying to fix it
so here is it

#pragma strict
@script RequireComponent(MeshFilter, MeshRenderer)
var theAlpha : float = 0.0;
var theCamera : Camera;
var cameraTransform : Transform;
private var mesh : Mesh;
private var uv : Vector2[];
private var verts : Vector3[];
private var tris : int[];
private var normals : Vector3[];
public var distance : float = 1.0;
private var theMaterial : Material;
var theEnemy : EnemyScript;
function Start()
    // find and store a reference to the enemy script (to use health as alpha for texture)
    if ( theEnemy == null )
       theEnemy = GameObject.Find( "Enemy" ).GetComponent( EnemyScript );
function Update()
function SetAlpha()
    theAlpha = ( 100.0 - ) * 0.01;
    theMaterial.color = Color( theMaterial.color.r, theMaterial.color.g, theMaterial.color.b, theAlpha );
function ScrollUVs()
    var scrollX : float = Random.Range( -0.5, 0.5 );
    var scrollY : float = Random.Range( -0.5, 0.5 );
    // UVs
    for ( var i:int = 0; i < 4; i ++ )
       uv[i] = new Vector2( uv[i].x + scrollX, uv[i].y + scrollY );
    mesh.uv = uv;
// ----
function Startup()
    if ( theCamera == null )
       theCamera = Camera.main;
    cameraTransform = theCamera.transform;
    theMaterial = gameObject.renderer.material;
    theMaterial.color = Color.white;
    if ( !mesh )
       GetComponent(MeshFilter).mesh = mesh = new Mesh(); = "ScreenMesh";
function Construct()
    verts = new Vector3[4];
    uv = new Vector2[4];
    tris = new int[6];
    normals = new Vector3[4];
    // calculate verts based on camera FOV
    var pos : Vector3 = cameraTransform.position - transform.position;
    var halfFOV : float = ( theCamera.fieldOfView * 0.5 ) * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
    var aspect : float = theCamera.aspect;
    //Debug.Log( " Screen.width " + Screen.width + " : Screen.height " + Screen.height + " : aspect " + aspect );
    var height : float = distance * Mathf.Tan( halfFOV );
    var width : float = height * aspect;
    //Debug.Log( " fieldOfView " + theCamera.fieldOfView + " : aspect " + aspect );
    // UpperLeft
    verts[0] = pos - (cameraTransform.right * width);
    verts[0] += cameraTransform.up * height;
    verts[0] += cameraTransform.forward * distance;
    // UpperRight
    verts[1] = pos + (cameraTransform.right * width);
    verts[1] += cameraTransform.up * height;
    verts[1] += cameraTransform.forward * distance;
    // LowerLeft
    verts[2] = pos - (cameraTransform.right * width);
    verts[2] -= cameraTransform.up * height;
    verts[2] += cameraTransform.forward * distance;
    // LowerRight
    verts[3] = pos + (cameraTransform.right * width);
    verts[3] -= cameraTransform.up * height;
    verts[3] += cameraTransform.forward * distance;
    // UVs
    uv[0] = new Vector2( 0.0, 1.0 );
    uv[1] = new Vector2( 1.0, 1.0 );
    uv[2] = new Vector2( 0.0, 0.0 );
    uv[3] = new Vector2( 1.0, 0.0 );
    // Triangles
    tris[0] = 0;
    tris[1] = 1;
    tris[2] = 2;
    tris[3] = 2;
    tris[4] = 1;
    tris[5] = 3;
    // Normals
    normals[0] = -Vector3.forward;
    normals[1] = -Vector3.forward;
    normals[2] = -Vector3.forward;
    normals[3] = -Vector3.forward;
    // assign mesh
    mesh.vertices = verts;
    mesh.uv = uv;
    mesh.triangles = tris;
    mesh.normals = normals;
function DebugVerts()
    // Debug Positions
    Debug.Log( " UL " + verts[0] + " : UR " + verts[1] );
    Debug.Log( " LL " + verts[2] + " : LR " + verts[3] );

so what’s the problem my problem is that whenever the fps stay near of my “enemy” this stactic screen appears but when i run away this static screen doesn’t disappear.
and it’s cuz the “alpha” doesn’t reset whenever the fps isn’t near of the enemy .
i was trying some ways to fix it by myself watching and looking for something in the forum but i couldn’t
so i hope someone here can help me , the function i mean is this :

function SetAlpha()
    theAlpha = ( 100.0 - ) * 0.01;
    theMaterial.color = Color( theMaterial.color.r, theMaterial.color.g, theMaterial.color.b, theAlpha );

so as how the alpha doesn’t reset the static screen doesn’t disappear .

script credits : (alucardj)

I want to say that when you set theMaterial.color = Color, you must do theMaterial.color = new Color instead.

Not in UnityScript.

You said you wanted to remove the screen when the enemy wasn’t near but I don’t see anything that deals with distance in SetAlpha().

Ok, I know in c# it requires new for Color.

One thing I see, is the script seems to be basing alpha off the However, if their health is at 100(assuming that is the max value). Your formula would be (100-100) * .01, which would return 0; 0 alpha means you’re not going to see the image. Only as the health goes down does the image come into view. If the enemy “dies”, and assuming you aren’t resetting the value, your image will be in full view.

i already tried that and that doesn’t work that’s why i don’t understand it

Already tried what? Perhaps you need to explain your scenario better. You’re saying something about staying near an enemy and running away, but your code doesn’t do anything with distance like KelsoMRK said. Your setAlpha() is called from update, which means each frame it’s getting the enemy health and doing some math and using that value for the alpha. But unless the health of the enemy changes somewhere based on distance from the player, your alpha value is based on a completely different value.