Help with a timer

I’m trying to have my game speed up over time, the game starts at stage1 speed, after a period of time should progress to stage 2 speed and then stage 3 speed. I seem to be having an issue getting the game into stage 3. But I can get the game into stage 2, the code I have is as follows, I cannot understand why the debug.log will output stage2 but never stage3, can anyone help.

Also the console continuedly outputs “stage1” even when stage1active is set to false

float timer = 0f;

private void Update()
        timer += Time.deltaTime;

        if(timer < 10f)
            stage1Active = true;
        if(timer > 10f && timer < 20f)
            stage2Active = true;
            stage1Active = false;
        if(timer > 20f)
            stage3Active = true;

        if (stage1Active)
            speed = 2f;
         if (stage2Active)
            speed = 8f;
        if (stage3Active)
            speed = 25f;

I have just noticed that stage2Actice is never set to false, so this may be part of the problem. But still not sure why “stage1” is outputting to the console constantly.