Help with AddForce + dragging objects


I have 2 rigidbodies in my scene and one of them moves with AddForce. When there is some trigger, I want the moveable rigid to drag the other.

I tried using joints, but with them there is no “solid” connection (both rigids need to act as one).

I tried changing the transform parents, but that removes the drag effect.

Anyone can help?

Please do not double-post or create new posts with the sole purpose of referencing others. I have moved your question here as it seemed more suited for this forum and deleted the one in the support forum.

Could you be more specific about what effect you are going for, how you tried to use joints and what undesired behaviour you got when using the parenting solution?

Note that if you parent GameObjects with non-kinematic rigidbodies, you should remove all rigidbodies other than the one responsible for moving the hierarchy.

Sorry about the double posting.

I’ll give you an example:

I have 2 cubes with rigidbodys. I want to control cube nº1 so that when I attach cube nº2, the extra weight will affect the direction/velocity. I use AddForce in cube nº1 for that purpose.

By attaching both of them with a joint I achieved that objective. The problem is that they are not securelly connected, i.e., they “wobble” as if they are connected by a spring.

The effect I wanted is that of a magnet, but with the added effect of the weight dragging of cube nº2.

Too confusing?
