Help with Artifical Intellegence ( AI )

Hi everyone , i was writing an ai and i had some problems. Let me explain like that ;

I have 2 A Characters . And i’m writing ai for them.
Their enemies are for example 4 B characters.

Now , i want A characters to select randomly one of the B characters and go near them. I wrote a code like that ;

var Target : Transform;
var Range = 10.0;

function Awake ()

Target = GameObject.FindWithTag("Enemy").transform; // This indicates what is our target , and if i don't add this line , A characters do nothin' .

function Update () 
if (Target  Follow()) 
var TargetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Target.position - transform.position, Vector3.up);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation,  TargetRotation , Time.deltaTime * 2.0);


function Follow() 

if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Target.position) > Range ) // if target is out of range
print("too far");   // say too far
return false;

if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Target.position ) < Range )  // if target is in range 
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime); // it follows us 

if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position,Target.position) < 5 ) // if it's too close
Attack(); // it attacks

// nothing about the thing which i want over here ,the lines below just for making ai smarter ( i'm using it for detect the objects between the character and target )

var hit : RaycastHit;

if(Physics.Linecast(transform.position, Target.position,hit))
   if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag !="Player")
   print("Arada bu var: ";
      print("Liseli detected");
	  return true;
return true;

function Saldiri()



But when i launch game , A characters detect one of the B characters and both of the A characters attack on him. But always they attack on the same character. So please help me , i want them to attack one of the characters in their range.

I also read sumthin’ about Random.Range , but i just couldn’t know how to use it in :

Target = GameObject.FindWithTag("Enemy").transform;

because this is the code line which starts all.

Please help me :).


The findWithTag function has two possibilities, one is an array. So you could do something like:

GameObject[ ] targets = GameObject.FindWithTag(“Enemy”);
int targetNumber = Random.Range(0,targets.length -1);
GameObject Target = targets[targetNumber];

It gives 4 errors and says , expected semi colon , and shows 3 of the lines , so i changed the code like that ;

GameObject[ ]; targets = GameObject.FindWithTag(“Enemy”);
int ; targetNumber = Random.Range(0,targets.length -1);
GameObject ; Target = targets[targetNumber];

but it still says there is a mistake in first line.

fireside’s code is in C#, but you’re using JavaScript, it should be like:

var targets : GameObject[ ] = GameObject.FindWithTag(“Enemy”);
var targetNumber : int = Random.Range(0, targets.length - 1);
var Target : GameObject = targets[targetNumber];

shouldn’t it be?

var targets : GameObject[] = GameObject.[B]FindGameObjectsWithTag[/B]("Enemy");

Ahh yeah, you’re right callahan. I was just translating the code without thinking of the methods. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the help, you guys. I’m a little new to Unity so I messed it up a little. Hope he got the corrected version.

It’s not workin’ guys , i need to say to engine that " my variable Target , which i indicated at the beginning of the code , must be

Target = GameObject.FindWithTag(“Dusman”).transform;

this . But in the code you’ve given me , we make another variable called targets , so the code is not workin’ because the continuing part of the code is depending on Target variable .

Sounds like you’ve got two variables with the same name. Just name one of them something else.

I tried it , my all follow function depends on " Target " valiable , i need to attach " Target " variable to this code


, i can do that ;

Target = GameObject.FindWithTag(“Enemy”).transform;

in this way but i also need characters to indicate those Enemies randomly , so as Fireside , callahan and fizixman said i made a " targets "

variable by the way they said but i just couldn’t make it work.

Your “targets” variable is an array of GameObjects with the “Enemy” tag. You use it as a list of enemies, and use your random number generator to select one of them, which becomes Target.

If you do:

Target = GameObject.FindWithTag("Enemy").transform

you will not get a random target. What you need to do is:

var targets : GameObject[] = GameObject.FindWithTag("Enemy");
var targetNumber : int = Random.Range(0, targets.length - 1);
Target = targets[targetNumber].transform;