Hi, I’m new to making games with Unity, so I’m not even sure if what I am trying to do is feasible, but I am trying to make a card game, and I’m trying to make prefabs for each card. The cards are simply poorly made sprites with boxes where I was planning on putting descriptions of the cards (such as the card’s name and health/attack stats). Instead of making the text on the sprites, I was hoping to attach text object components on a World Space canvas onto the imported sprites, and then storing prefabs of the sprites with text object and canvas components. The reason I am doing this is because I want the displayed text to be able to change, since my cards will be losing health and stuff, so I wanted the text to change dynamically, like how the cards in Hearthstone have attack and defense stats that change. So, the question I am asking is: is this viable? If so, how can I do this? I’ve tried doing it, but when I make the font size really small, the text gets extremely blurry, and I can’t get legible font to fit onto my card prefabs without making my cards obscenely large, and I can’t seem to scale the font down. If this implementation doesn’t work, can someone tell me what else I could do to accomplish the same effect? Since Hearthstone is able to do something similar with its cards, I know it must be possible, I just don’t know how they implemented it. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
Edit: One thing I just tried that kind of works but seems extremely sloppy is I scaled my card sprite to an extremely large size, then I significantly increased the camera’s field of view. This solution seems kind of hacky, but it achieves the effect I want. Are there any potential problems with doing it like this? if not, I will continue with this implementation. One last question though: I can see the text in my project, but when I entire Play Mode, the text disappears. Anyone know why this might be?