These are topics that have been discussed around these forum, but I don’t know where to go to learn exactly what they are, or where to find best practices. Specifically, I am wondering how either technique works in conjunction with tiling textures. Any good links?
I don’t have any links, but the basic concept is that you use two sets of UVs, so the tiling texture is repeated on one set, and the lightmap is mapped once and overlayed on the other.
So, I completely forgot about this thread, and haven’t done any lightmapping since, but it could be useful if someone finds this thread I made.
And then, there was this nifty video, which is especially nice, considering I use modo.
However, neither brought up the tiling texture issue. I just spent a good while investigating the occlusion culling iPhone demo, not realizing that lightmapping could even be used on the iPhone, and wow, it was cool to see lightmapping, with tiling, in action. However, I don’t understand how, without any lights active in the scene, a box like the following can end up having shadows applied, without use of the lightmap shader. I am quite confused.
The lights/shadows are baked into the vertices of the boxes and other smaller objects… only the walls/floors/ceilings use texture based lightmaps in that scene. It’s a good compromise for the iPhone. Not sure if Modo can bake lighting info into vertices though.
As you wrote that, I sent a PM to you, asking you to reply, if you had time, considering you were obviously the best person to answer, and because I figured other people might wonder the same thing. Thanks a ton!!
Looks like you can paint them, but not bake them, and one person said he had no luck with .fbx export of that anyway. Oh well.
There is a Unity Lightmap Tutorial at: