Help with bouncing off of game object

I’m trying to get my fire guy to bounce off of the person (3d). But I also only want the person to move a little, but the fire guy to bounce backwards a little far. But, when he comes bounces on the ground just a tiny bounce. Can some give me some advice to get this working?

See attached video for an example of whats happening

The fire guy is not bouncing back from hitting the person game object

Project settings

Person RigidBody

Collider on person

The physics material

9550555–1349653–Rescue911 - SampleScene - Windows, Mac, Linux - Unity 2022.3.6f1_ DX11 2023-12-27|attachment (5.88 MB)

Fire guy rigid body


Physics material

And the Terrain collider is shown on the video

After looking at it, he’s not bouncing back very far. What would be the best setting increase him bouncing backwards more, but not up?