Help with button Text and error

Hi Everyone,

This is probably extremely simple and I just can’t see it… but…

I just don’t seem to be able to change a button text with a script.

This is my script

	public void OpenInv()
		isOpen = true;
		invWindow.SetActive (true);
		invScroll.SetActive (true);
		//Create a button foreach item in stock
		foreach (ItemStock stocked in stock) {

			Debug.Log (stocked.itemName + stocked.itemAmount);

			var newItemICon = Instantiate (itemIcon, this.transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0,0,0f))) as GameObject;
			newItemICon.transform.parent = itemContainer.transform;

			Text newIconText = newItemICon.GetComponent<Text>();
			newIconText.text = stocked.itemName;



It all runs smooth until the last two lines. There Unity gives me a NullReferenceException.

stock is a simple class it has two variables string itemName and Int itemAmount.

What I want is for each button created from a list of objects to name the button as the ItemName…

Thanks in advance.

I knew it… after a good night rest I solved it myself… I don’t know if anyone will find it usefull but this is what I corrected…

newItemICon.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>().text = stocked.itemName;
			//Text newIconText = newItemICon.GetComponent<Text>();
			//newIconText.text = stocked.itemName;

I was referencing the wrong object…