Help with checking for a key tapped multiple times


I’m trying to write a method that detects when a key is tapped twice within a certain range of time. Here’s the non-functional code I have:

    public bool isLookingRight;
	public bool isLookingLeft;
	public bool hasDoubleTapped;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
	public bool MultiTapKey (string keyName, int numberOfTaps, float rangeOfSeconds) {
		if (cInput.GetKeyDown(keyName))
 			if ( rangeOfSeconds > 0 && numberOfTaps == 1)
         		hasDoubleTapped = true;
        		numberOfTaps += 1 ;
	    if ( rangeOfSeconds > 0 )
	       rangeOfSeconds -= 1 * Time.deltaTime ;
      		numberOfTaps = 0 ;
		if (cInput.GetKeyUp(keyName))
			hasDoubleTapped = false;
		return hasDoubleTapped;

Can anyone help me out with a way to do this?

You should just check what time you last hit it.

public float interval;

private float lastTapTime;
private bool isDoubleTapped;
	void Update()
	    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
	        if (Time.time - lastTapTime < interval)
	            isDoubleTapped = true;
	            lastTapTime = Time.time;
			print ("success");
			isDoubleTapped = false;

Also, it’s advisable that you call a method instead of setting and unsetting a flag; this is just an example.