Hello, i’m trying to create an object with the attributes “type”, “multiplier” & “duration”. my class is below.
class buff {
var type : String;
var multiplier : int;
var duration : float;
function buff(buffType : String, buffMultiplier : int, buffDuration : float){
type = buffType;
multiplier = buffMultiplier;
duration = buffDuration;
I want to be able to create a new buff with the aforementioned parameters but i can’t seem to correctly call the constructor.
buff curBuff = new buff(buffType, buffMultiplier, buffDuration);
Common error messages are:
“duration/multiplier/type are not members of Object”
“cannot find visible constructor with the parameters (String, int, float)”
“buff is not set to instance”
& “insert semicolon at the end” onto the constructor line (which already has a semi colon)
i’ve spent hours scouring the internet for help with class constructors to no avail. i’m disappointed unity does not support standard javascript object construction syntax.