Help with double jump in unity

Hello, so i was looking to get some help with implementing a double jump system. Ive tried looking through tutorials on Youtube, but all of the ones Ive looked at so far have conflicted with my code. I’d rather not rework my whole movement system, so i was curious if anyone on here could help me find a way to implement it.
My current movement code is running off of two scrips I used and modified while following Brackeys’ 2D unity series. Ive modified them to enable a dash and not much else.
First script:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

public class CharacterController2D : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private float m_JumpForce = 400f;                          // Amount of force added when the player jumps.
    [Range(0, 1)] [SerializeField] private float m_CrouchSpeed = .36f;          // Amount of maxSpeed applied to crouching movement. 1 = 100%
    [Range(0, .3f)] [SerializeField] private float m_MovementSmoothing = .05f;  // How much to smooth out the movement
    [SerializeField] private bool m_AirControl = false;                         // Whether or not a player can steer while jumping;
    [SerializeField] private LayerMask m_WhatIsGround;                          // A mask determining what is ground to the character
    [SerializeField] private Transform m_GroundCheck;                           // A position marking where to check if the player is grounded.
    [SerializeField] private Transform m_CeilingCheck;                          // A position marking where to check for ceilings
    [SerializeField] private Collider2D m_CrouchDisableCollider;                // A collider that will be disabled when crouching

    const float k_GroundedRadius = .05f; // Radius of the overlap circle to determine if grounded
    private bool m_Grounded;            // Whether or not the player is grounded.
    const float k_CeilingRadius = .2f; // Radius of the overlap circle to determine if the player can stand up
    private Rigidbody2D m_Rigidbody2D;
    private bool m_FacingRight = true;  // For determining which way the player is currently facing.
    private Vector3 m_Velocity =;


    public UnityEvent OnLandEvent;

    public class BoolEvent : UnityEvent<bool> { }

    public BoolEvent OnCrouchEvent;
    private bool m_wasCrouching = false;

    private void Awake()
        m_Rigidbody2D = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

        if (OnLandEvent == null)
            OnLandEvent = new UnityEvent();

        if (OnCrouchEvent == null)
            OnCrouchEvent = new BoolEvent();

    private void FixedUpdate()
        bool wasGrounded = m_Grounded;
        m_Grounded = false;

        // The player is grounded if a circlecast to the groundcheck position hits anything designated as ground
        // This can be done using layers instead but Sample Assets will not overwrite your project settings.
        Collider2D[] colliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(m_GroundCheck.position, k_GroundedRadius, m_WhatIsGround);
        for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++)
            if (colliders[i].gameObject != gameObject)
                m_Grounded = true;
                if (!wasGrounded)

    public void Move(float move, bool crouch, bool jump)
        // If crouching, check to see if the character can stand up
        if (!crouch)
            // If the character has a ceiling preventing them from standing up, keep them crouching
            if (Physics2D.OverlapCircle(m_CeilingCheck.position, k_CeilingRadius, m_WhatIsGround))
                crouch = true;

        //only control the player if grounded or airControl is turned on
        if (m_Grounded || m_AirControl)

            // If crouching
            if (crouch)
                if (!m_wasCrouching)
                    m_wasCrouching = true;

                // Reduce the speed by the crouchSpeed multiplier
                move *= m_CrouchSpeed;

                // Disable one of the colliders when crouching
                if (m_CrouchDisableCollider != null)
                    m_CrouchDisableCollider.enabled = false;
                // Enable the collider when not crouching
                if (m_CrouchDisableCollider != null)
                    m_CrouchDisableCollider.enabled = true;

                if (m_wasCrouching)
                    m_wasCrouching = false;

            // Move the character by finding the target velocity
            Vector3 targetVelocity = new Vector2(move * 10f, m_Rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
            // And then smoothing it out and applying it to the character
            m_Rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(m_Rigidbody2D.velocity, targetVelocity, ref m_Velocity, m_MovementSmoothing);

            // If the input is moving the player right and the player is facing left...
            if (move > 0 && !m_FacingRight)
                // ... flip the player.
            // Otherwise if the input is moving the player left and the player is facing right...
            else if (move < 0 && m_FacingRight)
                // ... flip the player.
        // If the player should jump...
        if (m_Grounded && jump)
            // Add a vertical force to the player.
            m_Grounded = false;
            m_Rigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, m_JumpForce));

    private void Flip()
        // Switch the way the player is labelled as facing.
        m_FacingRight = !m_FacingRight;

        // Multiply the player's x local scale by -1.
        Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
        theScale.x *= -1;
        transform.localScale = theScale;

Second script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour {

    public CharacterController2D controller;
    public Animator animator;
    public Rigidbody2D rb;

    public float runSpeed = 40f;

    float horizontalMove = 0f;
    bool jump = false;
    bool crouch = false;

    float doubleTapTime;
    KeyCode lastKeyCode;

    public float dashSpeed;
    private float dashCount;
    public float startDashCount;

    private int direction;
    void Start ()
        dashCount = startDashCount;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

        horizontalMove = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * runSpeed;

        animator.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(horizontalMove));

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
            jump = true;
            animator.SetBool("IsJumping", true);

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Crouch"))
            crouch = true;
        } else if (Input.GetButtonUp("Crouch"))
            crouch = false;

        if (direction == 0)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
                if(doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.A)
                    direction = 1;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.A;
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
                if (doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.D)
                    direction = 2;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.D;

            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
                if (doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.W)
                    direction = 3;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.W;

            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
                if (doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.S)
                    direction = 4;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.S;

            if (dashCount <= 0)
                direction = 0;
                dashCount = startDashCount;
                rb.velocity =;
                dashCount -= Time.deltaTime;

                if (direction == 1)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.left * dashSpeed;
                else if (direction == 2)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.right * dashSpeed;
                else if (direction == 3)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.up * dashSpeed;
                else if (direction == 4)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.down * dashSpeed;

    public void OnLanding()
        animator.SetBool("IsJumping", false);

    public void OnCrouching (bool isCrouching)
        animator.SetBool("IsCrouching", isCrouching);

    void FixedUpdate ()
        // Move our character
        controller.Move(horizontalMove * Time.fixedDeltaTime, crouch, jump);
        jump = false;

If anyone could find a solution to my problem that would be great! Thank you!

This will be greatly aided by you stating the actual problem.

How to report your problem productively in the Unity3D forums:

Generally double jumping is very simple:

Normally you can only jump when on the ground.

With double jump you introduce an extra boolean that says “Can Double Jump”

If you’re on the ground, set that variable true.

When a JUMP intent comes in from the user, first you check:

  • am I on the ground? then I can jump
  • is my “CanDouble Jump” true? then I can jump and clear Can Double Jump.

That’s it.

Firstly, thank you for the speedy reply, and secondly, sorry for not being very clear in my first post, i’m not normally very active on forums like this. Since your advice, i’ve changed both scripts to try and create a double jump, but I can still only do a single jump. Any suggestions?

Script 1:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

public class CharacterController2D : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private float m_JumpForce = 400f;                          // Amount of force added when the player jumps.
    [Range(0, 1)] [SerializeField] private float m_CrouchSpeed = .36f;          // Amount of maxSpeed applied to crouching movement. 1 = 100%
    [Range(0, .3f)] [SerializeField] private float m_MovementSmoothing = .05f;  // How much to smooth out the movement
    [SerializeField] private bool m_AirControl = false;                         // Whether or not a player can steer while jumping;
    [SerializeField] private LayerMask m_WhatIsGround;                          // A mask determining what is ground to the character
    [SerializeField] private Transform m_GroundCheck;                           // A position marking where to check if the player is grounded.
    [SerializeField] private Transform m_CeilingCheck;                          // A position marking where to check for ceilings
    [SerializeField] private Collider2D m_CrouchDisableCollider;                // A collider that will be disabled when crouching
    public PlayerMovement playerMovement;

    const float k_GroundedRadius = .05f; // Radius of the overlap circle to determine if grounded
    private bool m_CanJump;            // Whether or not the player is grounded/can jump.
    const float k_CeilingRadius = .2f; // Radius of the overlap circle to determine if the player can stand up
    private Rigidbody2D m_Rigidbody2D;
    private bool m_FacingRight = true;  // For determining which way the player is currently facing.
    private Vector3 m_Velocity =;


    public UnityEvent OnLandEvent;

    public class BoolEvent : UnityEvent<bool> { }

    public BoolEvent OnCrouchEvent;
    private bool m_wasCrouching = false;

    private void Awake()
        m_Rigidbody2D = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

        if (OnLandEvent == null)
            OnLandEvent = new UnityEvent();

        if (OnCrouchEvent == null)
            OnCrouchEvent = new BoolEvent();

    private void FixedUpdate()
        bool wasGrounded = m_CanJump;
        m_CanJump = false;

        // The player is grounded if a circlecast to the groundcheck position hits anything designated as ground
        // This can be done using layers instead but Sample Assets will not overwrite your project settings.
        Collider2D[] colliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(m_GroundCheck.position, k_GroundedRadius, m_WhatIsGround);
        for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++)
            if (colliders[i].gameObject != gameObject)
                m_CanJump = true;
                if (!wasGrounded)
        if (playerMovement.doubleJump == true)
            m_Rigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, m_JumpForce));

    public void Move(float move, bool crouch, bool jump)
        // If crouching, check to see if the character can stand up
        if (!crouch)
            // If the character has a ceiling preventing them from standing up, keep them crouching
            if (Physics2D.OverlapCircle(m_CeilingCheck.position, k_CeilingRadius, m_WhatIsGround))
                crouch = true;

        //only control the player if grounded or airControl is turned on
        if (m_CanJump || m_AirControl)

            // If crouching
            if (crouch)
                if (!m_wasCrouching)
                    m_wasCrouching = true;

                // Reduce the speed by the crouchSpeed multiplier
                move *= m_CrouchSpeed;

                // Disable one of the colliders when crouching
                if (m_CrouchDisableCollider != null)
                    m_CrouchDisableCollider.enabled = false;
                // Enable the collider when not crouching
                if (m_CrouchDisableCollider != null)
                    m_CrouchDisableCollider.enabled = true;

                if (m_wasCrouching)
                    m_wasCrouching = false;

            // Move the character by finding the target velocity
            Vector3 targetVelocity = new Vector2(move * 10f, m_Rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
            // And then smoothing it out and applying it to the character
            m_Rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(m_Rigidbody2D.velocity, targetVelocity, ref m_Velocity, m_MovementSmoothing);

            // If the input is moving the player right and the player is facing left...
            if (move > 0 && !m_FacingRight)
                // ... flip the player.
            // Otherwise if the input is moving the player left and the player is facing right...
            else if (move < 0 && m_FacingRight)
                // ... flip the player.
        // If the player can jump and should jump...
        if (m_CanJump && jump)
            // Add a vertical force to the player.
            m_Rigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, m_JumpForce));

    private void Flip()
        // Switch the way the player is labelled as facing.
        m_FacingRight = !m_FacingRight;

        // Multiply the player's x local scale by -1.
        Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
        theScale.x *= -1;
        transform.localScale = theScale;

Script 2:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour {

    public CharacterController2D controller;
    public Animator animator;
    public Rigidbody2D rb;

    public float runSpeed = 40f;

    float horizontalMove = 0f;
    bool jump = false;
    bool crouch = false;

    float doubleTapTime;
    KeyCode lastKeyCode;

    public float dashSpeed;
    private float dashCount;
    public float startDashCount;

    private int direction;
    public bool canDoubleJump;
    public int startJumpCount = 0;
    public int jumpCount;
    public bool doubleJump;

    void Start ()
        dashCount = startDashCount;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

        horizontalMove = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * runSpeed;

        animator.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(horizontalMove));

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
            jump = true;
            animator.SetBool("IsJumping", true);
            jumpCount += 1;

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Crouch"))
            crouch = true;
        } else if (Input.GetButtonUp("Crouch"))
            crouch = false;

        if (direction == 0)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
                if(doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.A)
                    direction = 1;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.A;
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
                if (doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.D)
                    direction = 2;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.D;

            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
                if (doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.W)
                    direction = 3;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.W;

            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
                if (doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.S)
                    direction = 4;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.S;

            if (dashCount <= 0)
                direction = 0;
                dashCount = startDashCount;
                rb.velocity =;
                dashCount -= Time.deltaTime;

                if (direction == 1)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.left * dashSpeed;
                else if (direction == 2)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.right * dashSpeed;
                else if (direction == 3)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.up * dashSpeed;
                else if (direction == 4)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.down * dashSpeed;

    public void OnLanding()
        animator.SetBool("IsJumping", false);
        jumpCount = startJumpCount;
        jump = false;

    public void OnCrouching (bool isCrouching)
        animator.SetBool("IsCrouching", isCrouching);

    void FixedUpdate ()
        if (jump == true && jumpCount < 2)
            canDoubleJump = true;
        if (canDoubleJump == true && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            doubleJump = true;
        // Move our character
        controller.Move(horizontalMove * Time.fixedDeltaTime, crouch, jump);

To help gain more insight into your problem, I recommend liberally sprinkling Debug.Log() statements through your code to display information in realtime.

Doing this should help you answer these types of questions:

  • is this code even running? which parts are running? how often does it run?
  • what are the values of the variables involved? Are they initialized?

Knowing this information will help you reason about the behavior you are seeing.

Ok, after many edits to my code and liberal use of Debug.Log(), i have identified the problem being with the:
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
doubleJump = true;
located in script 2. It only detects key presses when the space key is held down. Maybe something to do with FixedUpdate? Anyways, ill have to dig deeper if i want to find why the jump doesn’t activate, even when the space key is held down. Any ideas?
Script 1:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

public class CharacterController2D : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private float m_JumpForce = 400f;                          // Amount of force added when the player jumps.
    [Range(0, 1)] [SerializeField] private float m_CrouchSpeed = .36f;          // Amount of maxSpeed applied to crouching movement. 1 = 100%
    [Range(0, .3f)] [SerializeField] private float m_MovementSmoothing = .05f;  // How much to smooth out the movement
    [SerializeField] private bool m_AirControl = false;                         // Whether or not a player can steer while jumping;
    [SerializeField] private LayerMask m_WhatIsGround;                          // A mask determining what is ground to the character
    [SerializeField] private Transform m_GroundCheck;                           // A position marking where to check if the player is grounded.
    [SerializeField] private Transform m_CeilingCheck;                          // A position marking where to check for ceilings
    [SerializeField] private Collider2D m_CrouchDisableCollider;                // A collider that will be disabled when crouching
    public PlayerMovement playerMovement;

    const float k_GroundedRadius = .05f; // Radius of the overlap circle to determine if grounded
    private bool m_CanJump;            // Whether or not the player is grounded/can jump.
    const float k_CeilingRadius = .2f; // Radius of the overlap circle to determine if the player can stand up
    private Rigidbody2D m_Rigidbody2D;
    private bool m_FacingRight = true;  // For determining which way the player is currently facing.
    private Vector3 m_Velocity =;

    public UnityEvent OnLandEvent;

    public class BoolEvent : UnityEvent<bool> { }

    public BoolEvent OnCrouchEvent;
    private bool m_wasCrouching = false;

    private void Awake()
        m_Rigidbody2D = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

        if (OnLandEvent == null)
            OnLandEvent = new UnityEvent();

        if (OnCrouchEvent == null)
            OnCrouchEvent = new BoolEvent();

    private void FixedUpdate()
        bool wasGrounded = m_CanJump;
        m_CanJump = false;

        // The player is grounded if a circlecast to the groundcheck position hits anything designated as ground
        // This can be done using layers instead but Sample Assets will not overwrite your project settings.
        Collider2D[] colliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(m_GroundCheck.position, k_GroundedRadius, m_WhatIsGround);
        for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++)
            if (colliders[i].gameObject != gameObject)
                m_CanJump = true;
                if (!wasGrounded)
                playerMovement.canDoubleJump = false;
        if (playerMovement.doubleJump == true)
            m_Rigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, m_JumpForce));

    public void Move(float move, bool crouch, bool jump)
        // If crouching, check to see if the character can stand up
        if (!crouch)
            // If the character has a ceiling preventing them from standing up, keep them crouching
            if (Physics2D.OverlapCircle(m_CeilingCheck.position, k_CeilingRadius, m_WhatIsGround))
                crouch = true;

        //only control the player if grounded or airControl is turned on
        if (m_CanJump || m_AirControl)

            // If crouching
            if (crouch)
                if (!m_wasCrouching)
                    m_wasCrouching = true;

                // Reduce the speed by the crouchSpeed multiplier
                move *= m_CrouchSpeed;

                // Disable one of the colliders when crouching
                if (m_CrouchDisableCollider != null)
                    m_CrouchDisableCollider.enabled = false;
                // Enable the collider when not crouching
                if (m_CrouchDisableCollider != null)
                    m_CrouchDisableCollider.enabled = true;

                if (m_wasCrouching)
                    m_wasCrouching = false;

            // Move the character by finding the target velocity
            Vector3 targetVelocity = new Vector2(move * 10f, m_Rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
            // And then smoothing it out and applying it to the character
            m_Rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(m_Rigidbody2D.velocity, targetVelocity, ref m_Velocity, m_MovementSmoothing);

            // If the input is moving the player right and the player is facing left...
            if (move > 0 && !m_FacingRight)
                // ... flip the player.
            // Otherwise if the input is moving the player left and the player is facing right...
            else if (move < 0 && m_FacingRight)
                // ... flip the player.
        // If the player can jump and should jump...
        if (m_CanJump == true && jump == true)
            // Add a vertical force to the player.
            m_Rigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, m_JumpForce));

    private void Flip()
        // Switch the way the player is labelled as facing.
        m_FacingRight = !m_FacingRight;

        // Multiply the player's x local scale by -1.
        Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
        theScale.x *= -1;
        transform.localScale = theScale;

Script 2:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour {

    public CharacterController2D controller;
    public Animator animator;
    public Rigidbody2D rb;

    public float runSpeed = 40f;

    float horizontalMove = 0f;
    bool jump = false;
    bool crouch = false;

    float doubleTapTime;
    KeyCode lastKeyCode;

    public float dashSpeed;
    private float dashCount;
    public float startDashCount;

    private int direction;
    public bool canDoubleJump;
    public int startJumpCount = 0;
    public int jumpCount;
    public bool doubleJump;

    void Start ()
        dashCount = startDashCount;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

        horizontalMove = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") * runSpeed;

        animator.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(horizontalMove));

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
            jump = true;
            animator.SetBool("IsJumping", true);
            jumpCount += 1;

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Crouch"))
            crouch = true;
        } else if (Input.GetButtonUp("Crouch"))
            crouch = false;

        if (direction == 0)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
                if(doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.A)
                    direction = 1;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.A;
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
                if (doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.D)
                    direction = 2;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.D;

            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
                if (doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.W)
                    direction = 3;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.W;

            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
                if (doubleTapTime > Time.time && lastKeyCode == KeyCode.S)
                    direction = 4;
                    doubleTapTime = Time.time + 0.5f;
                lastKeyCode = KeyCode.S;

            if (dashCount <= 0)
                direction = 0;
                dashCount = startDashCount;
                rb.velocity =;
                dashCount -= Time.deltaTime;

                if (direction == 1)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.left * dashSpeed;
                else if (direction == 2)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.right * dashSpeed;
                else if (direction == 3)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.up * dashSpeed;
                else if (direction == 4)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.down * dashSpeed;

    public void OnLanding()
        animator.SetBool("IsJumping", false);
        jumpCount = startJumpCount;
        jump = false;

    public void OnCrouching (bool isCrouching)
        animator.SetBool("IsCrouching", isCrouching);

    void FixedUpdate ()
        if (jump == true && jumpCount < 2)
            canDoubleJump = true;
        if (canDoubleJump == true)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                doubleJump = true;
        if (jumpCount > 2)
            doubleJump = false;
            jump = false;
            doubleJump = false;
        // Move our character
        controller.Move(horizontalMove * Time.fixedDeltaTime, crouch, jump);

Excellent! Now you’re cooking with gas. The “edge trigger” inputs (such as mouse went down and key went down) (or up) are only valid in Update().

Referring to the docs:

I quote: “You need to call this function from the Update function, since the state gets reset each frame.”

Therefore, read them in Update(), set a boolean variable, then “consume” them in FixedUpdate(), setting the bool false to consume the input.

Here is some timing diagram help:

You don’t need any bools, just a counter. This approach lets you set the number of jumps to any positive integer, set to 2 for double-jump:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class testJumpMulti : MonoBehaviour
    [Range(1, 10)]
    public int maxJumps = 3; // can be any positive number
    private int currentJump = 0; // which one we're on

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && currentJump < maxJumps)
            print("currentJump " + currentJump);
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) // "reset" key for testing
            currentJump = 0;
            print("currentJump " + currentJump);

    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (collision.collider.tag == "ground")
            currentJump = 0;
            print("currentJump " + currentJump);

Awesome! Thank you so much. I also fixed an issue that popped up with there being an infinite number of jumps available, by moving:

  • if (jumpCount > 2)
  • {
  • doubleJump = false;
  • jump = false;
  • }

Into the Update function as well. Works like a charm!

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Can you send the final scripts