Help with "Exception: The file doesn't seem to be a DOTS Serialization file."

Using ECS 1.0 I’ve been trying to create a build for MacOS.

It seems no matter what I do, the sub scene files can’t be loaded due to the error:
Exception: The file doesn't seem to be a DOTS Serialization file.

I’m a bit stuck and I have no idea where to begin to find the cause of the error. Are Mac builds supposed to work with sub scenes? Is this a bug in the build system? Or is this just a case of ECS still being in pre-release?

I am using the Scriptable build pipeline

Here’s the full stack trace:

Exception: The file doesn't seem to be a DOTS Serialization file.
at Unity.Entities.Serialization.DotsSerializationReader..ctor (Unity.Entities.Serialization.BinaryReader reader) [0x00060] in ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities@1.0.0-pre.65/Unity.Entities/Serialization/DotsSerialization.cs:869
at Unity.Entities.Serialization.DotsSerialization.CreateReader (Unity.Entities.Serialization.BinaryReader reader) [0x00002] in ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities@1.0.0-pre.65/Unity.Entities/Serialization/DotsSerialization.cs:69
at Unity.Entities.Serialization.SerializeUtility.DeserializeWorldInternal (Unity.Entities.ExclusiveEntityTransaction manager, Unity.Entities.Serialization.BinaryReader reader, Unity.Entities.Serialization.SerializeUtility+WorldDeserializationResult& deserializationResult, System.Object[ ] unityObjects) [0x00065] in ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities@1.0.0-pre.65/Unity.Entities/Serialization/SerializeUtility.cs:988
at Unity.Scenes.AsyncLoadSceneOperation+AsyncLoadSceneJob.Execute () [0x0007e] in ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities@1.0.0-pre.65/Unity.Scenes/AsyncLoadSceneOperation.cs:152
at Unity.Jobs.IJobExtensions+JobStruct`1[T].Execute (T& data, System.IntPtr additionalPtr, System.IntPtr bufferRangePatchData, ```

Just expanding on this…

:white_check_mark: Build runs fine in play mode.
:white_check_mark: There’s no errors or exceptions in any of the AssetImportWorker0.log
:white_check_mark: Game otherwise boots fine and runs, just the 2 sub scenes can’t be loaded.