Hey, i’m fairly new to Unity and im currently making a game thats just first person, sort of like a platform game, i have an animated block that goes upp, and down. The problem is whenever i jump onto it it flips and spins like crazy and boots me off.
Anyways, I tried using the freeze rotation thing but it didnt help. Any ideas?
Consider enabling isKinematic on the block so it’s totally under your up/down control and not affected by people jumping on it. Another alternative is to set its mass to be much greater so it reacts but not so quickly and add a joint so its movement is limited, depending on the precise effect you want.
I upped the mass and enabled isKiinematic but now i just fall right through it.
I’m using the first person controller prefab just to mess around, maybe thats the issue?
I just made a quick mock-up and it works fine for me: (1) added animated platform, (2) set isKinematic, (3) turned off gravity. The effect is a platform my first person controller prefab can jump on without any difficulties.
If you’re falling through: Does your platform have a collider? Are you sure your player is fully above it?
Hm, Well, I redid it to make sure there was no mistakes, but I still fall through the block, only when its in animation, i made it not loop and just animate once, when the blocks done animating everything is fine.
I tried enabling animate physics as well but no luck.
There is a collider yes, and when i jump onto it it just goes through. 
ashtrayy, perhaps your platform is too thin or your framerate’s too low and so the collision is not being detected? Try thickening the platform and see if that helps.
If increasing the thickness doesn’t help (or that’s not the problem at all), there’s a whole thread of solutions to the problem here. Maybe one of these will work for you. The solution with 4 votes seems particularly simple and graceful (parenting your character to the moving platform, or rather an invisible subplatform).