Help with ink scripting for interactive ficiton

TL;DR: Looking for an example Unity project using Inkle’s ink scripting language.

I’m interested in interactive fiction and I’ve been working in Twine for about a year. When Inkle made the ink scripting language open source I really wanted to try it out. However, I’m having trouble getting my head around how to write IF in Unity.

I’m a Unity newbie so I’ve watched a lot of the video tutorials on the site and did the 2d tutorial project which was very helpful. But the gap between the 2d game tutorials and creating IF is a bit too wide for me right now. I’ve reviewed Inkle’s API documentation but, I think it assumes more knowledge about Unity than I have at this point, so it wasn’t very helpful.

It would be ideal if there was an example Unity project out there that I could download and poke around in to get my bearings.

Can anyone point me to some IF specific resources for Unity? Things specific to the ink scripting language would be awesome.

I searched the forums before posting and didn’t see a question/answer that addressed this. If I missed something, a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @RedBlackTree ,

They have a sample project on their website The Intercept. If you click on “Full Project Source” you will be send to Github where you can download the project. Here the direct link

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Thank you @marcel-me ! Just what I was looking for. Though after taking a quick look at it, I think I’ve got a lot more tutorial videos about the Unity basics in my future.

Thanks again.