Help with MP networking? Players move in synchronous...

So I’ve gotten the MP networking feature to work, got all the spawning set up, and then I run into a problem. When I have two characters, and I press W on the first test computer, both players move. Same for the second computer. Question is, how do I differentiate between computer 1’s character controller, and computer 2’s controller?


The character control includes inputting processing, which is entirely unnecessary for remotely-controlled entities. You need to destroy the character controller on the entity that is NOT controlled by the local player.

Alright so I’ve seen that kind of code before, never written it. How do I write something like that in javascript?

And a question closely related to that type of code, how do I set up the camera to follow the correct player?


Put some thought into it. Andorov told you one way to do it, now go read on destroying components.

Read where? Seems to me that Unity is horribly documented. I have a LOT of trouble trying to learn this stuff.

GOT IT! Ooh that’s perfect! Love that, got both to work correctly. Now I need to figure out how to make the ground green without making the pig green as well…

Nevermind answered my own question…