Help with OnTriggerEnter Not working correctly?

I would like some helping on figuring out why this OnTriggerEnter doesn’t modify the booleans gotHit and canMove.
This code is supposed to allow my player to be hit by the enemy and play a staggering animation while not allowing my player to move and reduce it’s health, but only the health part works.

   void OnTriggerEnter(Collider hit)
        if ( == "L Hand Box")
            gotHit = true;
			health.CurrentVal -= 20;

			if (this.anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("standing_react_large_gut"))
                canMove = false;
                canMove = true;
            gotHit = false;

the first thing I do is use “print” or “debug.log” to see if it comes in if collision. proves that this coming into your first “if”, I’m not sure but quisas, one of the two objects colicionar not have the active trigger or not have the regidibody … it sounds like an insult but small things habeses they are the first to be forgotten, remember that it objects to colicionar one must have “rigidibody” and some other either has to have the active is_triger.
as I said before do not take it as an insult but first rule out the simplest things besides … I’m not sure this cojiendo object name spaces, usually not put spaces in the name to avoid any problems …