Help with optimize code

I would like to ask you to help me with optimize my code of course if it is possible.
It is a vehicle wheel. Vehicle has 4 wheels. On scene there is 769 vehicles. With that amount of vehicles I have 60 fps. Profiler says that the worst is SpringAndDamping then ForwardFriction and SideFriction. Is it possible to optimalize this code?

    private void FixedUpdate()
        velocity = (myTransform.position - prevPos) / Time.deltaTime;
        wheelVel = myTransform.InverseTransformDirection(velocity);


        prevPos = myTransform.position;

    private void SpringAndDamping()
        if (IsGrounded == false) return;
        Vector3 up = myTransform.up;
        Vector3 pos = myTransform.position;
        vehicleRigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(up * (springForce * forceMultiple.Evaluate(Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, Vector3.Distance(pos, hitPoint) / wheelDistance))), pos, ForceMode.Acceleration);
        vehicleRigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(up * (dampingForce * (-wheelVel.y)), pos, ForceMode.Acceleration);

    private void ForwardFriction()
        if (IsGrounded == false) return;
        vehicleRigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(myTransform.forward * (forwardFriction * (-wheelVel.z)), myTransform.position, ForceMode.Acceleration);


    private void SideFriction()
        if (IsGrounded == false) return;
        vehicleRigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(myTransform.right * (globalFriction * (-wheelVel.x)), myTransform.position, ForceMode.Acceleration);

Don’t see any major performance/optimization issues.
I recommend you use ECS if you want to use many vehicles. You can also limit the cars rendered and use to those on-screen or within proximity. That would help most