Hi, I’m looking for a specific shader in Unity that would allow me to paint on a plane during runtime, similar to painting on a canvas.
Here’s the behavior I’m aiming for:
I have three colors in the palette: the default color (the base color of the plane), and two brush colors (blue and yellow).
When I paint over an area that has already been painted, the spot will change to the new color, but the previous color will remain active, so I can continue painting with it elsewhere. In other words, if I paint the same spot twice, the spot’s color will update to the new one, while the previous color is still available for further painting.
Previously, I attempted to paint using meshes (connecting triangles to form the brush shape), but I couldn’t figure out how to update the color when painting over the same area.
If anyone knows of an asset or a method to achieve this effect, please let me know. I’d really appreciate any help!