Help with Physics/Collider/Rigid Body

I have three models in a scene. A player, a vehicle and bolder. I want the player to get knocked away by the bolder but not the vehicle. I can’t seem to get this right. They all have a collider and rigid body. I tried taking them off the vehicle (so it wouldn’t get knocked by the bolder) but then the player could walk through the vehicle…no good. What settings in the rigid body (or physics material) do I need to set for these models?

Thanks for any help in advance.

You may want to apply an extra force to the player when the boulder strikes. (OnCollisionEnter)

Good idea but the main problem i’m having is that when the bolder hits the vehicle it completly throws it out of site and when it hits the player is barley bumps him…i’m wanting the exact opposite to happen. I don’t want the vehicle to barely move when hit and the player to move a lot.

Could this have something to do with mass? The vehicle is much bigger than the player?

The mass you set on the rigidbody is the effective mass. However, a larger object does tend to get shoved upwards when a high-mass object hits them below their center of mass.

Edit: If the boulder hits the vehicle, the vehicle will always get the brunt of the force and the player on top will get almost none due to being a box on top of another box.

You want to set the boulder’s mass to be above the person’s mass, but less than the vehicle’s mass.

Yep, I played around with that after my last post and saw how it affects it. Your post helped though, thanks!