Help with PlayerInput Properties looking wrong.

So I am trying to use the new Player Input Package. But I was looking at samples and tutorials online but my properties window does not look like those examples:

(Unity PlayerInput Properties - Album on Imgur

I even changed the active from both to new Player Input Package and it still looks like this. I downloaded the sample project warriors and it looks right there.

I am using the latest version of released Unity. The funny thing is, you can see some things there, but if I select the Actions and use my new actions, the Default Scheme is a text box and so is my action map. Also for some reason I am seeing Instance Id and Local Id in file, which I am pretty sure were not there before. Have I screwed something up badly?

thanks for any and all help.

I figured it out, finally I was pulling my hair out. If you right click inspector, you can do debug or normal, swapping back to normal fixed the issue. Sorry to waste peoples time.