Help with playfab

I’m trying to use playfab to stop people cheating on my game. My idea is to use playstream events to see if the player survived a round for long enough to actually achieve the score he is claiming. And maybe I can even use playstream to record the score every time the player gets a coin(?). Please tell me if this doesn’t make sense.

Problem, I can’t work out how to set this up on playfab. I followed a tutorial and have set up the player login. But from there on I’m stuck. Can someone walk me through it in detail or direct me to a good tutorial please?

Thanks a mil

Hey there,

i am not sure if you are on the right track here…

From your question i’d assume that your game is a single player game. Is that correct? If this is the case then you basically have lost in that regard. While you can take measures to make sure that it is more difficult to cheat you cannot prevent it 100%.

In case you have indeed such a setup then Playfab will not help you as it’d still work with data that comes from the client/player which can not be trusted to be correct. Think of it like this: If a player managed to mess with your game that they can locally change the amount of coins they got then what stops them from sending wrong data to playfab?

Let me know if that assumption is correct.