Hi there
I wrote some code that gives you a certain amount of stars on level completion.
this is how my game works so far
if (finishTime < 60) {
Time1 = true;
} if (finishTime <= 70) {
Time2 = true; and so on......
so if time 1 is called
if (Time1)
oneStarGUI.enabled = true;
twoStarGUI.enabled = true;
threeStarGUI.enabled = true;
finishTimeText.text = textTime;
Handheld.Vibrate ();
finishTimeText.text = "Your Time "+ textTime;
scoreFinalText.text = "Score:" + scoreFinal;
yield WaitForSeconds(7);
it basically enables the GUI textures that will give you the relevant amount of stars and start next level…
i get the Time data from a standard stopwatch.
The part i am struggling with is that i want to implement a numeric score as well as the GuiStars so that it adds more competition to the game.
i want to say
If completed in 40 seconds or less you get the relevant stars as well as a standard level completion score of 500
but to be more specific, if the allocated time for the level is eg: 40seconds
and the player finishes in 34seconds, i want to give them a score that takes the remainder of 34 seconds and multiplies it by 4
like this:
- Time Given For Completion 40 (User receives Stars + 500 level completion points)
- User completed in 34
- so 40 - 34 = 6 x 4 = 24 + 500 (level completion bonus points) = 524
i also need help with adding the standard 500 points on completion to the final score
sorry for the crap way of explaining
Thanks a million in advance