I have a large tile map that can be 100’s x 100’s in size. I’ve made it by creating a mesh of many tiles (triangle x2) and then mapped the UV’s from a texture onto each square.
This works fine and looks like this https://puu.sh/sawhP/8920857d7f.png
The tile images are based on the height component from a fractal map. This all works fine.
What I would like to do now is to refine the tiles so that the boundaries between different levels are are rounded and it appears more organic. Now I could go and create hundreds of tiles and pick the correct one with a bitmask etc but as there are eight colours that would need a crazy number of combinations.
So am after suggestions from anyone who has tackled this thing before. I have never written a shader but that may be the way to go? I’m not sure.
I’m currently thinking layering two tiles on top of each other with the bottom tile having a solid colour and the top tile having the shape of the edge with transparent ‘non edge’ parts so the background will come through. If this top tile was white I could then colour it on the fly perhaps?
Can anyone tell me the ‘correct’ way I should be heading for this?
Many Thanks.