Help with scripting the new shuriken particle system

Let me start out by saying that the new particle system is a big improvement over the old one in terms of graphical capabilities.

However, the scripting side of things seems bugging and only about 10% implemented. I can’t tell you how sad I am that world collision wasn’t implemented, which rules out almost everything interesting I would want to do.

Because of that, I thought I’d try to roll my own crude collision detection by spawning gameobjects at the same size and location of my particles, and then use those for collision. (I told you it was crude.)

Things were working well until I tried to access the size data for the particles, which only appears to to return the start size, and not the actual size that has been changed by the ‘size over lifetime’ or other modules. Is this a bug? Am I doing it wrong?

On top of that, most of the other parts of the particle system (the modules) don’t seem to be accessible at all. For example, there is no way to change the shape, color over lifetime, velocity over lifetime, etc. of the system via code. This seems like a fairly hefty oversight. What if I want some kind of dynamic wind system blowing my particles around at different velocities?

Again, am I doing this wrong? Is there some way to access and modify the particle systems module via code? If not, is this going to be implemented, and when? I have heard plenty about how there are plans for world collision and other features in the ‘next release’ but do you mean I have to wait another 6 months or more to have any use for the new particle system?

I don’t want to sound like a party pooper, I can’t tell you how grateful I am for an already amazing product, but I can’t help but feel frustrated at the lack of features/polish in the new Shuriken system.

TL:smile:R; New particle system is great for graphical effects that don’t do anything, but attempting to access anything useful other than start and stop seems to be a lost cause. Am I wrong? Anyone had better luck? Anyone know if/when this will be addressed?

BUMP! :slight_smile:

i am also verry interested in this one! Exspecilally in accessing the modules via code…

Agreed. I’ve been looking for scripting answers around Shuriken that I have as yet been unable to find. Just simple things, like setting the start size on instantiation. Can’t find answers for these yet

zombient, were you able to find out how to set the start size on initiation? I’ve unfortunately lost some time hunting down an answer but am coming up dry. I do really like the new features of the Shuriken system. However, for people who use lost of scripting with particles it seems at present a major step backwards.