Help with scripting

" UCE0001: ‘;’ expected. Insert a semicolon at the end. " Is the error theyre giving me, and heres my script :

var DamageAmount : int 15;
var Range : float;
var Falloff : float = 15;

function Update () {
	if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) {

		var Impact : RaycastHit;
			if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), Impact)) {
				Range = Impact.distance;
					if (Range < Falloff) {
						Impact.transform.SendMessage("Down", DamageAmount);

Such errors usually come with a line number. So be simply checking the line the error mentions or the line(s) above the mentioned error you will find your mistake.

In your case you’re missing an “=” in the very first line:

var DamageAmount : int 15;

which should be

var DamageAmount : int = 15;

ps: The default space of UnityAnswer is not ment for debugging questions. Please read the Introduction post on what the help room is and how to use it. Also you should read the user guide how to format code properly. Depending on the mood of moderators if you don’t post in the right space or if you fail to format your code properly your questions might get rejected.

I moved your question into the help room and formatted your code.