help with scripts

i need to find scripts for a main menu that will move to next scene(one i had before dont work) i also need a script that will play a song when i hit a certain point. if someone could point me to these script that would be great

Hey isherwood,

I would love to help you, but I want to let you know that most people will not help you, just because your not trying... your just asking for a code. I understand that you probably don't know how to code, so this is your only option; therefore, I will help you. But you should really make an effort to learn how to write in Unity's Java Script... you'll see people will jump to help people with easy questions, if you just try.

Now, on to the code you are asking for. If you tell me exactly what you need, I will write the script for you, and add lots of comments so you can help your self in the future. Now, what exactly do you need? Like, what is the scene name (Or number), and please explain your audio question a little more.

    Yoroshiku onegai shimasu

Gibson ][ GBStudios