Help with Sound tutorial

Hello, basically I’m completely new to game development with very minor experience in programming and a good amount of experience in 3D objects. Currently, I am following a tutorial by Brackys on Youtube

in which I made this code:

#pragma strict

var rotationSpeed = 100;
var jumpHeight = 8;
private var playOnce = false;

var hit01 : AudioClip;
var hit02 : AudioClip;
var hit03 : AudioClip;

private var isFalling = false;

function Update ()
    //Handle Ball Rotation.
    var rotation : float = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * rotationSpeed;
    rotation *=Time.deltaTime;
    GetComponent.<Rigidbody>().AddRelativeTorque (Vector3.back * rotation);

    if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.W) && isFalling == false)
       GetComponent.<Rigidbody>().velocity.y = jumpHeight;
       playOnce = true;
       playOnceTrue ();
       isFalling = true;

function OnCollisionStay ()
    if (playOnce == true)
        var theHit = Random.Range (0, 3);
        playOnce = false;
        if (theHit == 0)
            GetComponent.<AudioSource>().clip = hit01;
        else if (theHit == 1)
            GetComponent.<AudioSource>().clip = hit02;
        else if (theHit == 2)
            GetComponent.<AudioSource>().clip = hit03;
        Debug.Log("Check 2.5");
    isFalling = false;
    Debug.Log("Check 2.8");

function playOnceTrue ()
    yield WaitForSeconds (0.3);
    var playOnce = true; 

But for some reason, the code triggers everytime the ball rotates instead of when it first touches the box. I understand the tutorial is out of date so any help would be appreciated in what’s wrong as I have tried debugging it as well and from debugging, Checks 1, 2 and 3 trigger on button press only.


Maybe try OnCollisionEnter instead of OnCollisionStay.

Or, if you want to be like the video, take “var” out of that last function, playOnceTrue().

Right now, I think it is just creating a local variable that does pretty much nothing.

Have a blessed night.

Tried that, even OnCollisionExit, neither works so I’m trying a different tutorial now, thanks for the help though

I think you can download the code right here:

I downloaded it and looked at it.

There are definitely differences between your code and what’s in the zip.

I believe it’s BallControl.js in the Video11 folder.

Have a good day.

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