Help with the swipe script

Hello to everyone, I have some trouble to find out why the player don’t swipe left, right, up and down.
Basically this is an asset that I bought and is a infinite runner but the support for the asset does not exist.

This is the code

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Player : MonoBehaviour {

    public float speedModifier = 0.05f;
    public float cameraSpeed = 0.05f;

    public Vector3 cameraRotation;
    public Vector3 cameraPosition;

    public float timeScoreMultiplier = 10f;
    public float crouchDuration = 1f;

    public float pursuerPositionOffset = 4f;

    public float initialHitSpeed = -10f;
    public float hitSpeedDecreaseSpeed = 80f;

    public LayerMask levelLayer;
    public AudioClip jumpSideClip;
    public AudioClip jumpClip;
    public AudioClip gameOverClip;
    public AudioClip crouchClip;

    public BoxCollider[] boxCollider;
    public CapsuleCollider[] capsuleColliders;

    public float mouseAndTouchMoveDistance = 80f;

    public bool enableKeyboardMovement = true;
    public bool enableMouseMovement = true;

    protected float m_GroundCheckDistance = 0.1f;
    protected float m_OrigGroundCheckDistance;
    protected Vector3 m_GroundNormal;
    protected float m_JumpPower = 12f;
    protected float stepDistance = 1.5f;

    public float speed = 3f;

    public int skinPrice = 1000;

    protected Animator anim;

    protected float posX = 0.0f;
    protected float startTime;
    protected float jumpSpeed;
    protected bool m_Jump;
    protected Rigidbody m_Rigidbody;

    protected bool m_PreviouslyGrounded, m_IsGrounded;
    protected Collider m_Collider;
    protected Vector3 m_GroundContactNormal;

    protected bool dead;

    protected int coins;
    protected float time;
    protected bool crouching;
    protected float crouchDeltaHeight = 1f;
    protected Manager manager;

    protected float jumpMultiplier = 1f;
    protected float timeMultiplier = 1f;
    protected float coinsMultiplier = 1f;

    protected float jumpMultiplierTime;
    protected float timeMultiplierTime;
    protected float coinsMultiplierTime;

    protected AudioSource audioSource;
    protected Vector2 fp;  // first finger position
    protected Vector2 lp;  // last finger position
    protected bool swiped = true;

    protected float animForward = 0.5f;
    protected float hitSpeedLoc;
    public Transform thisTransform;

    protected virtual void Awake()
        thisTransform = transform;

    protected virtual void Start ()
        hitSpeedLoc = speed;
        anim = GetComponentInChildren<Animator>();
        anim.applyRootMotion = false;

        m_Collider = GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
        m_Rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

        m_OrigGroundCheckDistance = m_GroundCheckDistance;
        manager = GameObject.Find("Manager").GetComponent<Manager>();

        audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

    protected virtual void Crouch()
        anim.SetBool("Crouch", true);
        crouching = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < boxCollider.Length; i++)
            boxCollider[i].size -= new Vector3(0, crouchDeltaHeight, 0);
            boxCollider[i].center -= new Vector3(0, crouchDeltaHeight / 2, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < capsuleColliders.Length; i++)
            capsuleColliders[i].height -= crouchDeltaHeight;
            capsuleColliders[i].center -= new Vector3(0, crouchDeltaHeight / 2, 0);

        Invoke("stopCrouching", crouchDuration);

    protected virtual void stopCrouching()
        anim.SetBool("Crouch", false);
        crouching = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < boxCollider.Length; i++)
            boxCollider[i].size += new Vector3(0, crouchDeltaHeight, 0);
            boxCollider[i].center += new Vector3(0, crouchDeltaHeight / 2, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < capsuleColliders.Length; i++)
            capsuleColliders[i].height += crouchDeltaHeight;
            capsuleColliders[i].center += new Vector3(0, crouchDeltaHeight / 2, 0);

    protected virtual void Jump()
        RaycastHit hitInfo;
        if (!Physics.Raycast(thisTransform.position + Vector3.up, Vector3.up, out hitInfo, 2f, levelLayer))
            m_Jump = true;
            if (crouching)

    protected virtual void MoveSide(bool right)
        if (m_IsGrounded)
            anim.SetBool("Side", right);

        if (crouching)
        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        if (!right)
            if (!Physics.Raycast((thisTransform.position + Vector3.up * 0.1f) + (Vector3.forward / 8f), Vector3.left, out hitInfo, 2f, levelLayer)
             && !Physics.Raycast((thisTransform.position + Vector3.up * 0.1f) - (Vector3.forward / 8f), Vector3.left, out hitInfo, 2f, levelLayer))
                posX = posX - stepDistance;
            if (!Physics.Raycast((thisTransform.position + Vector3.up * 0.1f) + (Vector3.forward / 8f), Vector3.right, out hitInfo, 2f, levelLayer)
             && !Physics.Raycast((thisTransform.position + Vector3.up * 0.1f) - (Vector3.forward / 8f), Vector3.right, out hitInfo, 2f, levelLayer))
                posX = posX + stepDistance;

    protected bool HasMouseMoved()
        return (Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") != 0) || (Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") != 0);

    protected virtual void Update()
        if (!dead && && !manager.cameraLerp && Time.timeScale != 0)
            if (Time.timeScale != 0)
                time += Time.deltaTime * timeMultiplier;
                manager.timeScore.text = (time * timeScoreMultiplier).ToString("F0");

            if (animForward < 1f)
                anim.SetFloat("Forward", animForward);
                animForward += Time.deltaTime * 2f;
                anim.SetFloat("Forward", 1f);

            if (!crouching)
                anim.SetBool("OnGround", m_IsGrounded);

            if (!m_IsGrounded)            
                anim.SetFloat("Jump", m_Rigidbody.velocity.y);


            //Mobile Platforms movement

            foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches)
                if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                    swiped = false;
                    fp = touch.position;
                    lp = touch.position;
                    Debug.Log("Swipe started at: " + fp);
                if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
                    lp = touch.position;
                    Debug.Log("Swipe moved to: " + lp);
                if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
                    swiped = true;
                    Debug.Log("Swipe ended at: " + lp);

                    float swipeHorizontal = lp.x - fp.x;
                    float swipeVertical = lp.y - fp.y;

                    if (Mathf.Abs(swipeHorizontal) > Mathf.Abs(swipeVertical) && Mathf.Abs(swipeHorizontal) > mouseAndTouchMoveDistance)
                        // Horizontal swipe
                        if (swipeHorizontal > 0)
                            MoveSide(true); // Swipe right
                            Debug.Log("Swipe detected: right");
                            MoveSide(false); // Swipe left
                            Debug.Log("Swipe detected: left");
                    else if (Mathf.Abs(swipeVertical) > Mathf.Abs(swipeHorizontal) && Mathf.Abs(swipeVertical) > mouseAndTouchMoveDistance)
                        // Vertical swipe
                        if (swipeVertical > 0)
                            if (m_IsGrounded && !crouching)
                                Crouch(); // Swipe down
                                Debug.Log("Swipe detected: down");
                            if (!m_Jump)
                                Jump(); // Swipe up
                                Debug.Log("Swipe detected: up");
            //Mouse movement
            if (enableMouseMovement)
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
                    swiped = false;
                    fp = Input.mousePosition;
                    lp = Input.mousePosition;
                if (HasMouseMoved())
                    lp = Input.mousePosition;
                if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse0))
                    swiped = true;
                if (!swiped)
                    if ((fp.x - lp.x) > mouseAndTouchMoveDistance) // left swipe
                        swiped = true;
                    else if ((fp.x - lp.x) < -mouseAndTouchMoveDistance) // right swipe
                        swiped = true;
                    else if ((fp.y - lp.y) < -mouseAndTouchMoveDistance) // up swipe
                        if (!m_Jump)
                            swiped = true;
                    else if ((fp.y - lp.y) > mouseAndTouchMoveDistance) // down swipe
                        if (m_IsGrounded && !crouching)
                            swiped = true;

            //Keyboard movement
            if (enableKeyboardMovement)
                float horizontal = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                float vertical = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Vertical");

                Vector3 m_Input = new Vector2(horizontal, vertical);

                if (CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Horizontal") && m_Input.x < 0)
                if (CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Horizontal") && m_Input.x > 0)
                if (CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Vertical") && m_Input.y > 0)
                    if (!m_Jump)
                if (CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Vertical") && m_Input.y < 0)
                    if (m_IsGrounded && !crouching)

            if (m_IsGrounded)
            speed += Time.deltaTime * speedModifier;
            if(timeMultiplierTime > 0)
                timeMultiplierTime -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (timeMultiplierTime <= 0)
                    timeMultiplierTime = 0;
                    timeMultiplier = 1f;
            if (coinsMultiplierTime > 0)
                coinsMultiplierTime -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (coinsMultiplierTime <= 0)
                    coinsMultiplierTime = 0;
                    coinsMultiplier = 1f;
            if (jumpMultiplierTime > 0)
                jumpMultiplierTime -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (jumpMultiplierTime <= 0)
                    jumpMultiplierTime = 0;
                    jumpMultiplier = 1f;

            m_Jump = false;
            anim.SetFloat("Forward", 0.5f);

    protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
        if (!dead &&

            if (!manager.cameraLerp)
                thisTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(thisTransform.position, new Vector3(posX, thisTransform.position.y, thisTransform.position.z), 0.15f);
                if (hitSpeedLoc >= speed)
                    thisTransform.Translate(0, 0, speed * Time.deltaTime);
                    thisTransform.Translate(0, 0, hitSpeedLoc * Time.deltaTime);
                    hitSpeedLoc += Time.fixedDeltaTime * hitSpeedDecreaseSpeed;

            if (!manager.cameraLerp)
                manager.cameraTransform.position = new Vector3(manager.cameraTransform.position.x, manager.cameraTransform.position.y, transform.position.z + cameraPosition.z);
                manager.cameraTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(manager.cameraTransform.position, new Vector3(manager.cameraTransform.position.x, manager.cameraTransform.position.y, transform.position.z + cameraPosition.z), cameraSpeed * 3f);                          

            manager.cameraTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(manager.cameraTransform.position, new Vector3(thisTransform.position.x, thisTransform.position.y + cameraPosition.y, thisTransform.position.z + cameraPosition.z), cameraSpeed);
        if (
            if (!manager.cameraLerp)
                if (manager.pursuitTimeLoc > 0)
                        manager.pursuerTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(manager.pursuerTransform.position, new Vector3(manager.pursuerTransform.position.x, manager.pursuerTransform.position.y, transform.position.z - pursuerPositionOffset), 0.4f);
                        manager.pursuerTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(manager.pursuerTransform.position, new Vector3(thisTransform.position.x, thisTransform.position.y, thisTransform.position.z - pursuerPositionOffset), 0.1f);
                        manager.pursuerTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(manager.pursuerTransform.position, new Vector3(thisTransform.position.x, thisTransform.position.y, thisTransform.position.z - (pursuerPositionOffset - 1f)), 0.1f);
                else if (manager.pursuitTimeLoc < -5f)
                    manager.pursuerTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(manager.pursuerTransform.position, new Vector3(thisTransform.position.x, thisTransform.position.y, thisTransform.position.z - 10.0f), 0.1f);

                if(manager.pursuitTimeLoc > -5f)
                    manager.pursuitTimeLoc -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                manager.pursuerTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(manager.pursuerTransform.position, new Vector3(thisTransform.position.x, thisTransform.position.y, thisTransform.position.z - pursuerPositionOffset), 0.1f);

    protected virtual void CheckGroundStatus()
        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        // 0.3f is a small offset to start the ray from inside the character
        // it is also good to note that the transform position in the sample assets is at the base of the character
        if (Physics.Raycast(thisTransform.position + (Vector3.up * 0.3f), Vector3.down, out hitInfo, m_GroundCheckDistance + 0.3f, levelLayer))
            m_GroundNormal = hitInfo.normal;
            m_IsGrounded = true;
            //m_Animator.applyRootMotion = true;
            m_IsGrounded = false;
            m_GroundNormal = Vector3.up;
            //m_Animator.applyRootMotion = false;

    protected virtual void HandleAirborneMovement()
        // apply extra gravity from multiplier:
        Vector3 extraGravityForce = (Physics.gravity * 9f) - Physics.gravity;

        m_GroundCheckDistance = m_Rigidbody.velocity.y < 0 ? m_OrigGroundCheckDistance : 0.01f;

    protected virtual void HandleGroundedMovement(bool jump)
        // check whether conditions are right to allow a jump:
        if (jump)
            // jump!
            m_Rigidbody.velocity = new Vector3(m_Rigidbody.velocity.x, m_JumpPower * jumpMultiplier, m_Rigidbody.velocity.z);
            m_IsGrounded = false;
            m_GroundCheckDistance = 0.1f;

    protected virtual void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (!dead)
            if (other.tag == "Bonus")
                Bonus bonus = other.GetComponent<Bonus>();
                Transform effect = Instantiate(bonus.effect, thisTransform.position + Vector3.up * capsuleColliders[0].center.y, Quaternion.identity).transform;

                if (bonus.sound != null)

                if (bonus.isCoin)
                    coins += (int)(bonus.multiplier * coinsMultiplier);
                else if (bonus.isTimeMultiplier)
                    if(timeMultiplier < bonus.multiplier)
                        timeMultiplier = bonus.multiplier;
                    timeMultiplierTime += bonus.time;
                else if (bonus.isCoinsMultiplier)
                    if (coinsMultiplier < bonus.multiplier)
                        coinsMultiplier = bonus.multiplier;
                    coinsMultiplierTime += bonus.time;
                else if (bonus.isJumpMultiplier)
                    if (jumpMultiplier < bonus.multiplier)
                        jumpMultiplier = bonus.multiplier;
                    jumpMultiplierTime += bonus.time;

                other.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false;
                manager.coinsScore.text = coins.ToString();

    public virtual void SaveRecords()
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Coins", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Coins") + coins);
        manager.CoinsTxt.text = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Coins")).ToString();

        manager.GameOverCoinsTxt.text = manager.CoinsTxt.text;

        coins = 0;

        manager.gameOverScoreTxt.text = (time * timeScoreMultiplier).ToString("F0");

        if (float.Parse(manager.maxTimeScore.text) < (time * timeScoreMultiplier))
            manager.maxTimeScore.text = (time * timeScoreMultiplier).ToString("F0");
            manager.congratulationsTxt.enabled = true;

            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MaxTimeScore", (time * timeScoreMultiplier));
            manager.congratulationsTxt.enabled = false;


    protected virtual void GameOver()

        dead = true;
        m_IsGrounded = true;
        anim.SetBool("GameOver", true);


    protected virtual void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
        if (!dead)
            if (other.collider.tag != "Bonus" && (other.contacts[0].normal.z < -0.8f && other.contacts[0].normal.z > -1.2f))
                bool gameOver = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < other.contacts.Length; i++)
                    if (other.contacts[i].thisCollider == m_Collider)
                        gameOver = true;
                if (gameOver)
                    if (manager.pursuitTimeLoc > 0)
                        manager.pursuitTimeLoc = manager.pursuitTime;
                        hitSpeedLoc = initialHitSpeed;

Sounds like you wrote a bug… and that means… time to start debugging!

By debugging you can find out exactly what your program is doing so you can fix it.

Use the above techniques to get the information you need in order to reason about what the problem is.

You can also use Debug.Log(...); statements to find out if any of your code is even running. Don’t assume it is.

Once you understand what the problem is, you may begin to reason about a solution to the problem.