Hi everyone,
I have a system and I’m trying to convert it into a parallel job. I’m struggling for days now as I don’t manage to translate the query correctly.
This is the foreach query that works well:
foreach ((
RefRW<LocalTransform> localTransform,
RefRW<ShootAttack> shootAttack,
RefRO<Target> target,
RefRW<TargetPositionPathQueued> targetPositionPathQueued,
EnabledRefRW<TargetPositionPathQueued> targetPositionPathQueuedEnabled,
RefRW<UnitMover> unitMover,
Entity entity)
in SystemAPI.Query<
and I’m trying to convert it in the job:
public partial struct PositioningAttackJob : IJobEntity
public float deltaTime; // Store DeltaTime inside the job
[NativeDisableParallelForRestriction] public ComponentLookup<LocalTransform> localTransformComponentLookup;
//[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<MoveOverride> moveOverrideArray;
public void Execute(
RefRW<ShootAttack> shootAttack,
RefRO<Target> target,
RefRW<TargetPositionPathQueued> targetPositionPathQueued,
EnabledRefRW<TargetPositionPathQueued> targetPositionPathQueuedEnabled,
RefRW<UnitMover> unitMover,
EnabledRefRO<MoveOverride> moveOverrideEnabled, // Checks if MoveOverride is enabled
Entity entity)
// Only execute logic if MoveOverride is DISABLED
if (moveOverrideEnabled.ValueRO)
Debug.Log("Entity: "+entity);
if (target.ValueRO.targetEntity == Entity.Null)
I’m pretty sure the problem is because I fail to translate the WithDisabled into the job as I can see with debug that the job does not run continuously for my entities. While if I debug in the foreach query I can see it running continuously.
I really need help here as I’m stuck after trying all sorts of options.
Thank you
I could do it in IJobChunk:
public partial struct PositioningAttackSystem : ISystem
private EntityQuery query;
private EntityTypeHandle entityType;
private ComponentTypeHandle<Target> targetType;
private ComponentTypeHandle<TargetPositionPathQueued> pathQueuedType;
private ComponentTypeHandle<UnitMover> unitMoverType;
private ComponentTypeHandle<MoveOverride> moveOverrideType;
public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state)
this.query = new EntityQueryBuilder(Allocator.Temp)
.Build(ref state);
this.entityType = state.GetEntityTypeHandle();
this.targetType = state.GetComponentTypeHandle<Target>();
this.pathQueuedType = state.GetComponentTypeHandle<TargetPositionPathQueued>();
this.unitMoverType = state.GetComponentTypeHandle<UnitMover>();
this.moveOverrideType = state.GetComponentTypeHandle<MoveOverride>();
public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state)
// Update handles
this.entityType.Update(ref state);
this.targetType.Update(ref state);
this.pathQueuedType.Update(ref state);
this.unitMoverType.Update(ref state);
this.moveOverrideType.Update(ref state);
PositioningAttackJob positioningAttackJob = new()
entityType = this.entityType,
targetType = this.targetType,
pathQueuedType = this.pathQueuedType,
unitMoverType = this.unitMoverType,
moveOverrideType = this.moveOverrideType,
state.Dependency = positioningAttackJob.ScheduleParallel(this.query, state.Dependency);
private struct PositioningAttackJob : IJobChunk
public EntityTypeHandle entityType;
public ComponentTypeHandle<Target> targetType;
public ComponentTypeHandle<TargetPositionPathQueued> pathQueuedType;
public ComponentTypeHandle<UnitMover> unitMoverType;
public ComponentTypeHandle<MoveOverride> moveOverrideType;
public void Execute(in ArchetypeChunk chunk, int unfilteredChunkIndex, bool useEnabledMask, in v128 chunkEnabledMask)
NativeArray<Entity> entities = chunk.GetNativeArray(entityType);
NativeArray<Target> targets = chunk.GetNativeArray(ref targetType);
NativeArray<TargetPositionPathQueued> pathQueueds = chunk.GetNativeArray(ref pathQueuedType);
NativeArray<UnitMover> unitMovers = chunk.GetNativeArray(ref unitMoverType);
NativeArray<MoveOverride> moveOverrides = chunk.GetNativeArray(ref moveOverrideType);
ChunkEntityEnumerator enumerator = new(useEnabledMask, chunkEnabledMask, chunk.Count);
while (enumerator.NextEntityIndex(out int i))
// You don't have to check for disabled since it was already done in the query
// All entities here have disabled MoveOverride
// To access target or any of the components that you need
Target target = targets[i];
Thank you Daven.
It’s not clear to me how can I afterwards reference for example the LocalTransform of target.entity with this structure.
Hope this can help.
public partial struct SampleSystem : ISystem
private EntityQuery _query;
public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state)
_query = SystemAPI.QueryBuilder()
public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state)
state.Dependency = new SampleJob().ScheduleParallel(_query, state.Dependency);
private partial struct SampleJob : IJobEntity
private void Execute(
in Entity entity,
ref LocalTransform transform,
ref ShootAttack shootAttack,
ref UnitMover unitMover,
ref TargetPositionPathQueued targetPositionPathQueued,
EnabledRefRW<TargetPositionPathQueued> targetPositionPathQueuedEnabled,
in Target target
Tested with some entities produced by this authoring:
internal sealed class SampleAuthoring : MonoBehaviour
private class Baker : Baker<SampleAuthoring>
public override void Bake(SampleAuthoring authoring)
var entity = GetEntity(TransformUsageFlags.Dynamic);
SetComponentEnabled<MoveOverride>(entity, false);
I used Unity 6000.0.35, Entities 1.3.9.
You need a ComponentLookup to the job. It’s like a dictionary of your entities to LocalTransform. You can use target.entity as the key to that.
Thank you Lais. It worked like that. So I need to use a query first and then add it to the job via state.dependency. My god how much time I wasted trying to figure the proper way.
Thank you and thank you @davenirline as well!