Help with unity UI script

Hi All…

OK so im probably being a nube here but im having an issue with the unity UI. All I want it to do is when I press the UI Button, it acts as a keycode... I should warn you im pretty usless at scripting!!!
i.e when I press the button it acts as keycode “escape”
This is the script I was using but it doesn’t work :

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class KeyButton : MonoBehaviour {

public KeyCode key;

public Button button {get; private set;}

Graphic targetGraphic;
Color normalColor;

void Awake() {
button = GetComponent();
button.interactable = false;
targetGraphic = GetComponent();

ColorBlock cb = button.colors;
cb.disabledColor = cb.normalColor;
button.colors = cb;

void Start() {
button.targetGraphic = null;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.GetKeyDown(key)) {
} else if (Input.GetKeyUp(key)) {

void Up() {
StartColorTween(button.colors.normalColor, false);

void Down() {
StartColorTween(button.colors.pressedColor, false);

void StartColorTween(Color targetColor, bool instant) {
if (targetGraphic == null)

targetGraphic.CrossFadeColor(targetColor, instant ? 0f : button.colors.fadeDuration, true, true);

void OnApplicationFocus(bool focus) {

public void LogOnClick() {
Debug.Log ("LogOnClick() - " + GetComponentInChildren().text);

Thanks in advance

Please use code tags when posting code

EDIT: Fixed that for you

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class KeyButton : MonoBehaviour {

public KeyCode key;

public Button button {get; private set;}

Graphic targetGraphic;
Color normalColor;

void Awake() {
button = GetComponent<Button>();
button.interactable = false;
targetGraphic = GetComponent<Graphic>();

ColorBlock cb = button.colors;
cb.disabledColor = cb.normalColor;
button.colors = cb;

void Start() {
button.targetGraphic = null;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.GetKeyDown(key)) {
} else if (Input.GetKeyUp(key)) {

void Up() {
StartColorTween(button.colors.normalColor, false);

void Down() {
StartColorTween(button.colors.pressedColor, false);

void StartColorTween(Color targetColor, bool instant) {
if (targetGraphic == null)

targetGraphic.CrossFadeColor(targetColor, instant ? 0f : button.colors.fadeDuration, true, true);

void OnApplicationFocus(bool focus) {

public void LogOnClick() {
Debug.Log ("LogOnClick() - " + GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text);

Sorry that was my first post!!!