Help with WaypointCircuit and many known data points


I have a list of x,y,z data points in a text file.

Is there a way I can use WaypointCircuit.cs in order to use these data points?

Since there are so many, I can’t just make gameobjects and manually go through each object and put in the correct x,y,z. It would take too long!

Appreciate the help

from the phrasing you’re expecting this to be known by the reader… is that an asset?

If you only care about the position information, just store the x,y,z as a list/array/whatever of Vector3s. You’d only need to create gameobjects and assign each one a position from the data if you wanted to be able to do something with them like add a script or whatever

So WaypointCircuit.cs is a standard asset from Unity, sorry about that. The children’s x,y,z position of the WaypointCircuit gameobject parent is used to create the waypoints.

Yes, I only care about the position information. After storing x,y,z in an array, how would I create gameobjects that go under the WaypointCircuit gameobject parent?

Nevermind, I figured it out, thanks!