I am trying to create an AI for the enemies in my game. I have existing code that the player uses to select what enemy is being attacked and where to attack. It works perfectly for the player but I am having trouble translating it to an AI. I want the AI to be able to do the same as the player and be able to pick the type of attack that would do the most damage.
This is the code I want to translate:
if (DetectCharacterSelect.SelectedPlayer.GetComponent<CharacterSheet> ().characterActive == true) {
if (Input.GetKey ("escape") && attackButtonPanel.activeInHierarchy == true) {
selectedEnemy = null;
attackButtonPanel.SetActive (false);
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) {
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
if(DetectCharacterSelect.SelectedPlayer != null){
if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit,DetectCharacterSelect.SelectedPlayer.GetComponent<CharacterSheet>().CurrentClass.Range)) {
if (hit.transform.tag == "Enemy") {
selectedEnemy = hit.collider.transform.gameObject;
BoxCollider box = hit.collider as BoxCollider;
if (box == null) Debug.LogWarning("Collider is not a BoxCollider!");
Vector3 Normal = hit.normal;
Normal = hit.transform.TransformDirection( Normal );
float dotUp = Vector3.Dot(hit.normal, hit.transform.up);
float dotForward = Vector3.Dot(hit.normal, hit.transform.forward);
float dotRight = Vector3.Dot(hit.normal, hit.transform.right);
if(dotUp < -0.99){
attackButtonText.text = "Attack" + " (Below)";
Debug.Log ("Sneak Attck Below Enemy");
attackAboveOrBelow = true;
attackFront = false;
attackBehind = false;
attackFlank = false;
attackButtonPanel.SetActive (true);
}else if(dotUp > 0.99){
attackButtonText.text = "Attack" + " (Arial)";
Debug.Log("Arial Attack Above Enemy");
attackAboveOrBelow = true;
attackFront = false;
attackBehind = false;
attackFlank = false;
attackButtonPanel.SetActive (true);
}else if (dotForward < -0.99){
attackButtonText.text = "Attack" + " (Behind)";
Debug.Log("Unaware Attack Behind Enemy");
attackAboveOrBelow = false;
attackFront = false;
attackBehind = true;
attackFlank = false;
attackButtonPanel.SetActive (true);
}else if(dotForward > 0.99){
attackButtonText.text = "Attack" + " (Infront)";
Debug.Log("Direct Attack Infront Of Enemy");
attackAboveOrBelow = false;
attackFront = true;
attackBehind = false;
attackFlank = false;
attackButtonPanel.SetActive (true);
}else if (dotRight < -0.99){
attackButtonText.text = "Attack" + " (Flank Left)";
Debug.Log("Flank Attack To The Left");
attackAboveOrBelow = false;
attackFront = false;
attackBehind = false;
attackFlank = true;
attackButtonPanel.SetActive (true);
}else if (dotRight > 0.99){
attackButtonText.text = "Attack" + " (Flank Right)";
Debug.Log("Flank Attack To The Right");
attackAboveOrBelow = false;
attackFront = false;
attackBehind = false;
attackFlank = true;
attackButtonPanel.SetActive (true);
if (DetectCharacterSelect.SelectedPlayer.GetComponent<CharacterSheet> ().characterActive == false) {