Ok, so there are several little things that I have made or someone else has made that I think could really help everyone out, so here is a thread to post all those little helpful things. It works like this, you say what your posting, what it does, the code, and then anything else that might be required.
I’ll start it off.
Ok so here is a script that turns off other scripts when your character leaves the collider.
Here is the code
var shouldBeEnabledOnStart = false;
function Start () {
var scripts = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren (YOUR_SCRIPT_HERE, true);
if (!shouldBeEnabledOnStart) {
for (var tmp : YOUR_SCRIPT_HERE in scripts) {
tmp.enabled = false;
else {
for (var tmp : YOUR_SCRIPT_HERE in scripts) {
tmp.enabled = true;
function OnTriggerEnter (colid : Collider) {
if (colid.gameObject.tag == "Player") {
var scripts = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren (YOUR_SCRIPT_HERE, true);
for (var tmp : YOUR_SCRIPT_HERE in scripts) {
tmp.enabled = true;
function OnTriggerExit (colid : Collider) {
if (colid.gameObject.tag == "Player") {
var scripts = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren (YOUR_SCRIPT_HERE, true);
for (var tmp : YOUR_SCRIPT_HERE in scripts) {
tmp.enabled = false;
What you do to set it up is make a empty object, then add a box collider, set Is Trigger to true, then attach this script to it. Add child objects with the script you want to turn off to the game object with the box collider. Edit YOUR_SCRIPT_HERE with what ever script that is in the child objects that you want to turn off. Note: for this to work you have to tag your main character with tag, “Player” (or of course you could change the “if (colid.gameObject.tag == “Player”)” to something else).
It works pretty good, tested it with about 5000 revolving coins that move up and down, got it so when using this box there wasn’t a noticeable decrease of frame-rate. When I tried again without this box it went down to about .5-2FPS.
Heres some code to do something when you shake your device…
var kEraseAccelerationThreshold = 2.0;
function Update () {
var accel = iPhoneInput.acceleration;
var x = accel.x;
var y = accel.y;
var z = accel.z;
var length = Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
if (length >= kEraseAccelerationThreshold) {
function TouchForGUI(object : GUIElement, touch : iPhoneTouch) : boolean {
var rect = object.GetScreenRect(camera);
if (rect.Contains(touch.position))
return true;
return false;
You would use it in a Update() or a FixedUpdate() and do a ‘if’ statement checking to see if mouse(0) is down (AKA: a finger is touching the device) then you would use the TouchForGUI function. I don’t know much about the performance for this though.
I didn’t write this, but once again it is incredibly useful. If you have 3D text and don’t want to be able to see it through walls, use this shader instead of the default text shader.
Just kinda something for all the noobs (like my self), to change cameras, change the Camera.depth variable to be bigger then the other cameras (default is -1 I believe)
I can’t wait to see the iPhone tutorial that Demo Team is making. But I find it, sometimes, more helpful to see these code snippets. I come from an art background and have more difficulty writing code than anything else. And to see these small snippets helps me to understand what is being done and how to go about writing my own code.
Ok here’s something I have been working on for a project I have been working on.
Attach this to your character or some object (the main thing is only attach it once).
This will successfully call OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp to GUI objects and actual objects. Once adding this in, in the object that you want to dettect touches on you do something like this.
function OnMouseDown () { // or function OnMouseDown(position : Vector2)
print(“HELLO WORLD”);
var touchForGUI = false;
var touchForObject = false;
var tmpobj : Transform;
var touch : iPhoneTouch;
var distance = 10.0;
function Update () {
if (iPhoneInput.touchCount > 0) {
touch = iPhoneInput.GetTouch(0);
// ======================================================
// ================== SECTION: GUI OnMouseDown
// ======================================================
if (!touchForObject) {
var guiz : GUIElement[] = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(GUIElement);
var GUIi;
for (GUIi in guiz) {
if (TouchForGUI(GUIi, touch)) {
touchForGUI = true;
GUIi.SendMessage("OnMouseDown", touch.position, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
tmpobj = GUIi.transform;
// ======================================================
// ================== SECTION: transform OnMouseDown
// ======================================================
if (!touchForGUI) {
var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Vector3(touch.position.x,touch.position.y ,0));
var hit : RaycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction * distance, hit)) {
touchForObject = true;
tmpobj = hit.transform;
hit.transform.SendMessage("OnMouseDown", touch.position, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
// ======================================================
// ================== SECTION: transform OnMouseUp
// ======================================================
else {
if (touchForGUI) {
touchForGUI = false;
touchForObj = false;
tmpobj.SendMessage("OnMouseUp", touch.position, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
else if (touchForObject) {
touchForObject = false;
touchForGUI = false;
tmpobj.SendMessage("OnMouseUp", touch.position, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
function TouchForGUI(object : GUIElement, touch : iPhoneTouch) : boolean {
var rect = object.GetScreenRect(Camera.main);
if (rect.Contains(touch.position))
return true;
return false;