Here is a simple saving script

Here is a simple saving script I wrote for my game. Feel free to use it or to critique it. I didn’t add any serialization yet so it isn’t super fancy. But it could be useful for someone who wants to simple Save and Load objects/other data.


//used for saving and loading data
//call Set() to set something, Save() to save these, and Load() to load them back up.
    public bool shouldAutoSave; //should this autoSave?
    public float autoSaveTime = 10; //how often the autoSave should happen
    public string saveBase = "i"; //what the base of all saves are, this is useful if you are already using another save system
    public bool sendWarnings = true; //sends warnings
    //below is the static version of saveBase, you cannot edit this after game starts
    private static string saveBaseD; //what the base of all saves are, this is useful if you are already using another save system

    void Awake ()
        //sets the public variables to statics
        saveBaseD = saveBase;
    public static void Set(string idName, float value) //sets "value" with the name "idName"
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(saveBaseD + idName, value);
    public static void Set(string idName, int value) //sets "value" with the name "idName"
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt(saveBaseD + idName, value);
    public static int LoadInt(string idName) //loads int
        return PlayerPrefs.GetInt(saveBaseD + idName);
    public static string LoadString(string idName) //loads string
        return PlayerPrefs.GetString(saveBaseD + idName);
    public static float LoadFloat(string idName) //loads float
        return PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(saveBaseD + idName);
    public static void SetPosition (string idName, Transform whatToSet)
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "posX", whatToSet.position.x);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "posY", whatToSet.position.y);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "posZ", whatToSet.position.z);
    } //sets the position of "whatToSet" with the name "idName"
    public static void SetRotation (string idName, Transform whatToSet)
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "rotX", whatToSet.rotation.x);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "rotY", whatToSet.rotation.y);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "rotZ", whatToSet.rotation.z);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "rotW", whatToSet.rotation.w);
    } //sets the rotation of "whatToSet" with the name "idName"
    public static void SetPositionAndRotation (string idName, Transform whatToSet)
        SetPosition(idName, whatToSet);
        SetRotation(idName, whatToSet);
    } //sets the position and rotation of "whatToSet" with the name "idName"
    public static Vector3 LoadPosition (string idName)
        return(new Vector3(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "posX"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "posY"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "posZ")));
    } //loads the position of "idName" and sets it to the transform "loadToWhat"
    public static Quaternion LoadRotation (string idName)
        return(new Quaternion(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "rotX"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "rotY"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "rotZ"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(saveBaseD + idName + "rotZ")));
    } //loads the rotation of "idName" and sets it to the transform "loadToWhat"
    void Start ()
        if (shouldAutoSave && autoSaveTime < 5 && sendWarnings) //sends warning about auto saving alot
            Debug.LogWarning("Are you sure you want to auto save every " + autoSaveTime + " seconds? *You can disable this notice by turning sendWarnings off in the DataManager.");
    IEnumerator AutoSave ()
        while (shouldAutoSave)
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(autoSaveTime);
    public static void SaveData () //saves all data
    void OnApplicationQuit() //saves data when you quit the game

Line 2: “a something”
Line 4: missed a should
Line 65: ever instead of every

i dont know if I could rate it 10/10 after this
Maybe a 9.9/10,but thats all you get

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Those typos! :hushed:

Thanks! :wink: