seems like another one of the big dogs will be free to use, this is fantastic.
the new owner of hero engine are announcing free to use of the hero engine with a royalty deal, like UDK.
the barrier that kept indies from creating a MMORPG back in the days is now history.
we got Unity3d, UDK. and now Hero Engine. let the good times roll for all the little guys
I suppose indies didn’t like their 5k + 1k a year license, so they were forced to do this to get some popularity.
Lol watched the video and I think it’s funny how gameplay footage was low fps
Also every 12 year old’s mmo dream has almost come true.
I do wonder as to how this will work. Will they give you the server or still keep it in the cloud? If cloud, then how will they keep it up without losing money(hence the 1k a year free to pay for cloud)
Its not the HeroEngine though
The page clearly implies that its more like a Habbo - Facebook Game sandbox that builds upon the solid bases HeroEngine / HeroCloud has but without exposing all the power (If you used it you know that the learning curve potentially is even higher than on UDK)
This is further raised due to the pure browser targeting.
None the less its an interesting move and I’m looking forward to see its limits, as it might potentially be something that leads to kill playdom - zynga “no gameplay aside of click yourself stupid” bs FB games.
Yeah but at least its no longer slugish crap slow flash
Naw I really have high hopes for it to be used for more interesting things than another cityville - farmville - hell shall take you ville with the possibilities.
“Idea System’s core technology is partially derived from Idea Fabrik’s 3D game development platform, HeroEngine. To find out more about the HeroEngine technology please visit”
This system is even easier than HeroEngine, as you dont need to deal with any sort of management, or complex networking, you only create your game live, with your team in real time and dont worry about the rest.
well both versions, ideasys for light social browser games using heroengine tools.
and herocloud basic using heroengine tools aswell. difference will be world size restrictions. but will be able to use all heroengine tools and backend technology as per faqs:
there are threads in mmorpgmaker forum from heroengine staff themselves answering questions about it.
That sounds great. Does this means that only browser games are supported?
Anyways its stupid that they show gameplay footage at extremly low frame rate. I have tested some scenes in this engine on myself and it runs very very slow. I think that engine isnt optimised at all. Shadows are supported but you have to coope with 5 frame gameplay in that case.
I would rather choose Unity if that uLink tool is as good as they say.
I just want to make an observation:
Unity forum is one of the few middleware forum where people can talk about other engines without being censored !
And that’s great…
Nevertheless I think we should talk mostly on Unity…
Nah, that’s the Apple “nothing exists but us” mentality. It’s healthy to discuss the competition, and a few threads in Gossip that are about other engines is a good thing.
You can try it out for free, but unless you have deep pockets, this is not for indies.
HeroEngine really is easy to use, although I have never scripted for it, I have seen it work first hand, and all I can say is WOW.
But again, different market than Unity all together, so not even a competitor, UT and HeroEngine do not compete.
Fully agree on the non compete.
Even with Legion comming up, Unity is still 2-4 years away to compete with HeroEngines scaleable, load balanced server backend.
agree aswell,
i am a unity fanboy too but did not intended to create this thread to compare unity and HE, as they are 2 different beasts.
Unity is good for what it was intended for and HE is good for what it was intended for.
so please lets all be civilized and lets act like adults that we are
ok back to topic:
I think it is great, pretty much a high percentage, probably 80% of any engine users are individuals and or small indie studios, with mostly
low to none budget to startup a game dev deal.
but the great thing is that there is so much talent out there, and now the tools being free to use, this will create a new wave of games to the market,
I think the free tools to work era with will be the way to go from now on. so I’ll bet you the rest of the big dogs will follow sooner or later.
release your tools to the mass and let the talent come to you and do their job.